
Friday, May 18, 2012

Guest Post on stuff i (s)watched!

Hi everyone!! Sorry I haven't been around in a few weeks, things have been pretty crazy lately. I was slammed with end-of-semester work and then hubby and I finally found a new home so we are getting ready to sell our current home and move! Exciting stuff! I'll be posting a new blog sale very soon to help weed through my stash before we move so stay tuned for that =D

Anyways, the real reason why I'm here today is to let you guys know that I did a guest post for my girl Rach over at stuff i (s)watched that is up today!! Rach's blog is one of my favorites, she always has such awesome swatches and fun anecdotes about her life and things that she loves. I had so much fun doing the post so I hope you all head on over to her blog and check it out!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!!!! I am stupid excited about the season finale of Degrassi tonight and honestly have not been thinking about much else for the past few days. Hope your plans for the weekend are more exciting than mine!