
Saturday, September 10, 2011


Hi everyone, and thanks for stopping by! This blog has been in the works for quite some time now, I'm so happy to finally get it up and running! I have recently become a huge nail polish and nail care nut, and this blog will be an outlet for me to share what I have learned along the way and hopefully, help other people hone their nail skills as well!

I just want to make it clear that I am in no way a professional nail tech. Nail care is just a hobby of mine, and I would be nowhere in the nail world without the other blogs and other lovely ladies out there who inspire me day in and day out. Part of the reason why I took on the academic theme to my blog is because every day I learn something new about nails - for me, it is a continuing education process. I love keeping up to date on the newest trends and techniques, as well as just improving my polishing technique as well! I hope that we can all learn something together as I embark on this journey of nail blogging!

Here are some things you can expect to find on my blog:

-  TONS of NOTD (nail of the day) pictures
-  Nail polish swatches!
-  Advice on my favorite top coats, base coats, nail treatments, and more
-  Tips and tricks on various forms of DIY nail art
-  Honest product and company reviews
-  Nail polish in the news

And some things you will not find here:

- Fake nails (i.e acrylics and gel) -  I'm into the natural nails look
- Gel nail polish (i.e. Shellac, Gelous, etc.) -  again, just not my thing
- Dishonest fluff
- Negative attitudes

Anyways, I'm so excited to finally get this blog going. I will end this post with my VERY FIRST NOTD picture as well as my most recent, just to give you folks an idea of how far things have come in the past year or so. Please note, these pics have been taken with cell phone cameras and are of low quality. I assure you that future pics will be much more appealing!

Without further ado, my very first NOTD pic:

AHHHH! The horror! Look at those cuticles. Omg. So sorry you all had to see that!!

And now, my most recent NOTD pic:

See? Things have gotten better!!

Anyways, hope you guys have enjoyed the little preview of what's to come on The Scholarly Nail. Thanks for reading, and check back soon!!

- Jacqui


  1. Thanks so much! It's one of my faves, Hard Candy Fabuluxe. I will have to reswatch now that my nails are in better shape =)

  2. Can't wait to see your NOTD pics. :-)

  3. You have improved a lot! Much love and welcome to the blogosphere.

  4. Thank you so much! I'm glad to have fellow blogger support =)

  5. LOL the horror.... Ur silly! But you have come a long way! Love your blog and all ur NOTD :) I just went thru ur entire blog .... Well mostly pics :-P can't wait to see more

  6. How do I know that I really like a blog? When I start reading it from the start. You have such a lovely blog, it's a very very nice discovery! I love the yellow funky fingers too!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I appreciate each and every one! Any comments with links will be deleted. If you would like me to check out your blog, please send an email to thescholarlynail (at) gmail (dot) com, and I will be more than happy to check it out! Thanks for your cooperation =)