
Friday, September 30, 2011

Kleancolor Holo Chrome!

Good morning everyone! Fall has finally kicked in here, its cloudy, gloomy and chilly - just how I like it! Sunshine and warmth is way overrated =) Well, except when you are in Hawaii. Did I ever mention how Hawaii is my favorite place on Earth? But even in Hawaii it rains all the time so I guess it can't be sunny all the time there either.

But, I digress. Today I have for you a very blingy manicure: Kleancolor Holo Chrome. I got my first shipment of Kleancolors in the mail yesterday and so far, I am extremely impressed! I purchased them from, and they were $1.75 a piece. $1.75 is probably the cheapest you will pay for good nail polish anywhere, even drugstore polishes are generally in the $5-$10 dollar range these days (unless you count Sinful Colors, but I don't because I'm not really a fan of their products). So anyone on a budget who wants to try some unique colors should definitely give Kleancolor a try!

One word of warning about Kleancolors though: they stink! The smell on these is very strong, something akin to the chemical laden polishes of the olden days. From what I gather from the ingredients label, this polish is toulene and DBP (dibutyl phtalate) free but does contain formaldehyde and formaldehyde resin so that is probably where the strong smell is coming from. You will come to learn that I have a penchant for very old, vintage polishes so the smell does not bother me one bit.

Holo Chrome is a fantastically beautiful nail polish! It is a blue-violet (also known as blurple) jelly with tons of holo micro glitter. I used three coats of it in the photos, but you can also layer it over another polish to make it more opaque that way. Application was average, the Kleancolor brush was a bit wider and floppier than normal so it made it a bit more difficult to apply thin and even coats. I really don't mind though, because for a $1.75 polish it is absolutely gorgeous and a little bit of difficulty in the application doesn't bother me. I can't stop starting at my nails, Holo Chrome is so damn awesome!

I nicked one of my nails when I was taking photos, so unfortunately the photo selection I have for you guys today isn't my best. I hope you can get a feel for how sparkly and beautiful this polish really is. So I hope you enjoy the ones I was able to take =)

First I have one taken outdoors in natural light to show you the true color of Holo Chrome:

The rest were taken in artificial light to show you the blingtastic-ness of this polish!

And don't forget to click on the pics to englarge them =)

Hope everyone is having a fanastic Friday!



  1. I have that polish and I love it, it looks amazing in your pics, makes me wanna paint my nails with it.

  2. Thanks girl! I knew it would be awesome from pics that I saw, but once I had it on I realized how truly amazing it is!

  3. Omg I'm so glad you got holo chrome and love it as much as I do! It does smell very strong, but I hear that's how all Kleancolors are, I have four and they're all like that.

  4. I am definitely in love with Holo Chrome, your blog post was the one that made me buy it! Yes, all Kleancolors smell very strong but some are wose than others. The Holo Chrome wasn't as bad as the Chunky Holos - those punch you in the face with the smell!!


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