
Monday, September 19, 2011

A Water Marble and a Konad

Good morning everyone! It's been a week since my last post and I'm mad at myself! I really need to post more, for real! School is crazy this semester, I'm taking six classes and none of them are easy. Not even one cake class! It has been nuts, and I have been seriously bogged down with homework. However, I need to remember that doing my nails and blogging is actually a stress reliever so if I take the time out to do those things, I should be more productive with everything else, right? At least, that's what I'm going to tell myself!

First up today, I have a water marble for you! Water marbles are one of my absolute favorite things to do with my nails, and I have done a gazillion of them. Generally, they turn out pretty great but unfortunately, this one was a semi-fail for me. So why am I posting it? It still looks cool!

For this marble, I used three Misa polishes: Sorry, Just Can't Help It; Office Polish-tics; and Dirty, Sexy Money. They are all fantastic, dusty cremes and I thought they would be great for an end-of-summer to early-autumn marble. I absolutely adore Misa polishes, the application is phenomenal and the colors are amazing. However, they are just not ideal for water marbling. I tend to use thinner polishes for marbling, such as Sally Hansen Xtreme Wears or China Glazes, but I thought I'd give these a go! Well, though the colors looked great together, they bubbled horribly in the water! You can see in the pics below, especially on my right hand that my manicure looks like it has a case of measles...

Usually, I can eliminate bubbles in the water, and if one does happen to show up on my nail, a quick blow on the nails nine times out of ten does the trick to get rid of the bubble. This time it seems that the bubbles were unavoidable. So, although I love my Misa polishes, I do not think I will be using them again for marbling anytime soon. So, without further ado, my water marble fail!

L-to-R: Sorry, Just Can't Help it; Office Polish-tics; Dirty, Sexy Money

The left hand - not quite as many bubbles as the right hand

Ugh! Bubble city. Still, I like the patterns on my right hand better than the left. Bummer that it bubbled so badly.

So, there you have it. If anyone out there has any ideas on how to eliminate those bubbles, let me know! I would greatly appreciate it, because I really love this color combination. And for all of you wondering how in the heck to do a water marble, I hope to post a tutorial for you guys soon =)

Next up is a slightly less fail mani. Now who out there is on Pottermore? I am, of course! I was sorted into Ravenclaw and wanted to do a manicure for last Friday's Ravenclaw Pride day on Twitter. Blue and Bronze, baby! Now this manicure I absolutely LOVED.

I used OPI DS Fantasy for this manicure on all fingers except the accent finger. I am obsessed with DS Fantasy, it may be my favorite blue of all time. The DS Collection is OPI's "special" collection. It contains holographic and foil polishes that are a bit "higher end" than their normal line. DS Fantasy, while it is not a linear holographic polish, contains a teensy bit of the holographic powder in it. It's enough to really make it stand out. Isn't it gorgeous? The bronze that I used on the accent nail is OPI Sonata in Bronze from the 2004 Holiday Harmony Collection. I purchased this polish back when I worked at a salon in the mall, when OPI polishes were still $7.50! I stamped over the bronze with a Bundle Monster plate and DS Fantasy.

Hope you enjoy this one!

Love this blue so much!

Well, that's all for today! I vow to post at least every other day, if not more often, from now on! Thanks for reading!



  1. Holy cow, girl! LOVE LOVE LOVE the choices for your water marble! I haven't tried it yet, kinda scared to! :P DS Fantasy if gorgeous!

  2. Thanks lady, I dig the colors too, just wish they didn't bubble so badly! I was scared of marbling at first, afraid I would waste too much polish. But once you get the hang of it, it's so much fun!!

  3. Your water marbling turned out amazing, I was never able to do it.

  4. Thank you! It definitely took a few tries before I got it right. I hope to post a tutorial soon so those that have previously tried will be able to succeed!

  5. The colour choice is phenomenal!! YOu call this semi-fail? Seriously? I can't wait to see your success marble then, since I love this one too. :D


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