
Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm still here, I promise!

Hello all my lovely readers! Before I hit the hay tonight, just wanted to let you all know that YES, I AM ALIVE! Things have been crazy busy lately but are starting to wind down and go back to normal again so expect some new posts very, very soon! I apologize for slacking on the blogging lately. Forgive me?



  1. Hello! I just found your blog through Steph from Imperfectly Painted! I see on your about me that you're majoring in accounting..I am too! You're blog looks awesome and I can't wait to read your posts on a daily basis now :)

  2. JACQUI! My twitter account got hacked and I can't sign in to change anything - AKA I'm screwed until tech support contacts me back :( I'm so lost without Twitter LOL!

    ANYWAY - I wanted to say that I got my birthday package from you yesterday - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You know me all too well with the amazing polishes you sent me! The old school Sally Hansen/Maybelline/China Glaze and the flaky pumpkin???? AAAGGGHHH!!!! LYNDERELLAS!!!!!! :)))) You're the best!


  3. Alyssa - so glad that you found me! Yes, I am majoring in accounting as well as paralegal studies, what a fun combination! It seems never ending some days - accounting is not for the meek, that's for sure! Do you have a blog? Would love to follow you!

    Dana - that sucks about your twitter!!!! hope they get back to you soon, i need our chats on there to survive! lol. i'm glad you enjoyed your package, can't wait to see pictures of everything!! xoxo


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