
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hits Zeus and a Thank You to My Followers!

Hello my lovelies and Happy Tuesday to everyone! I completed my last final of the semester today so it is a lovely Tuesday indeed!

Over the weekend, I hit 100 followers and I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of my awesome blog readers. So, THANKS SO MUCH YOU GUYS!!! I never, ever thought I would hit 20 followers, let alone 100 and it really means the world to me! Whether you just come to look at the pictures, whether you read every word that I write, whether you are a blogger yourself or just a fan of nail polish in general, I want to thank each and every one of you! The reason I do this blog is for my insane love of nail polish, and I really enjoy sharing the love and chatting with all of you wonderful people. Just to know that you guys are riding along on this journey with me warms my heart. You guys seriously rock!!! I'll stop before I get too mushy, but I want to let you all know that I do have something special planned coming very soon to thank you guys. So stay tuned!

Anyways, today I have another awesome Hits holo for you all! Hits Zeus is almost too amazing for words. It is a KICK ASS (pardon my French) charcoal with a strong linear holo effect. Again, this polish had an absolutely outstanding formula. Last time I used my aqua base which is meant for holos, and this time I used my regular base coat (Barielle Hydrating Ridge Filler) and the application was still FLAWLESS. Had the same jelly-like consistency of Hits Atena. The polish is thick but super easy to apply, and I didn't have to do any clean up whatsoever for these pics. So good news - no special base coats required for these Hits holos! On to the pics - no words can describe how truly stunning this polish is!

I did three coats here, as it was a bit sheer. So here's 3 coats of Zeus, with my normal base and top coats. Enjoy!

Again, thanks for all the love and support everyone!!! I will see you all tomorrow for Pink Wednesday!


  1. Hate so much. Hate you

    And by hate I mean love and am jealous that you have these beauties :( :( :(

  2. Wow, that polish is so gorgeous!!

    Congrats on the followers! :)

  3. Gorgeous, really, I totally want it. <3 And I really saw the milestone coming, be prepared for more, your blog is awesome. :)

  4. I so love this polish! Great holo with the black!

  5. OH this is gorgeous! :D
    and i tag u an award

  6. yay for finals being over! i have my last one today, also. AND congrats on your followers! anyway,

    HELLTOTHEYEAH on this polish. i freaking love HITS and almost bought one last night... and may go back and do it tonight, now :) looks gorgeous on your nails!! :D

  7. Gorgeous!! This looks like the best black holo ever!!

  8. congrats on your followers! love this, it's seriously insanely pretty. i've been saving it, but i think i need to wear it asap

  9. That's a gorgeous holo! Ugh, I'm so tempted to buy this color, along with the rest. Congrats on your followers by the way! That's awesome.

  10. Congrats on the followers, I'm sure there will be tons more to come because your photos and nails are amazing. I'm glad I found your blog because I enjoy reading every post.
    I was trying to fight my lemming of Zeus, and your photos just made my lemming worse! I need this polish more than other people need Christmas gifts LOL

  11. Congrats on finishing the final final. :) It was always a feeling of being out of jail (not that I've been in jail, mind you).

    I want this polish really, really bad! Where'd you get it? Your swatches are swoon-iful!!

  12. Congrats on the followers!! Your blog is great, so I'm not surprised at all! This polish is so pretty!!

  13. Sigh, what a beaut this is. I have it too, and I love it!

  14. Ohhh man, this polish is so fabulous I don't have any words. Lovely photos! Congrats for finishing the semester and hitting 100+ followers, btw!

  15. So pretty! I am tagging you and will have a post about it tomorrow!

  16. OMG Jacqui! This is an AMAZING black holo! I want to get a couple HITS polishes the beginning of the year when my no-buy is up LOL Looks amazing! WISH LIST FOR ME!

  17. Hi I nominated you for an award

  18. Wow it's so gorgeous and beautiful and you captured it very well! Congrats on the 100 followers that's awesome!

  19. This one is in the mail on its way to me!

  20. This color is awesome!! I love it.


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