
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Island Girl - Big Island Volcano (and some Hawaii pictures!)

Last night I dreamt about Hawaii all night long. I've really had Hawaii on the brain lately. It's probably because I've been watching a lot of Dog the Bounty Hunter lately (Leland Chapman, will you marry me?) and because my friend Krista over Starlet's Nails is in Hawaii right now and has been posting amazing pictures on Twitter. My husband and I spent two amazing weeks in Hawaii last October for our honeymoon, and it quickly became my favorite place on Earth. There is just something about Hawaii that feels like home somehow. I can't wait to go back, and I hope that my husband and I will return several times throughout our life.

In Hawaii (and las Vegas) there are these stores called ABC Stores. If you are in Waikiki, there is a good chance that at any given time there is an ABC store 50 feet away from you. ABC Stores are a combination of a souvenir shop, drug store and convenient store all in one. In the four days that we stayed in Waikiki, I think we went to ABC stores about 100 different times! Anyways, at ABC, there is a brand of nail polish called Island Girl. The polishes are super cheap ($2.99 if my memory serves me correctly) and they have names of different Hawaiian towns and landmarks.  When we were there, I actually didn't pick up any of these polishes so my Hawaiian friend Kathryn over at Blush from Me to You sent me some. Thanks girl!

Today I have for you Big Island Volcano. Not only is Big Island Volcano my favorite of the Island Girl polishes that I own, Big Island is my favorite Hawaiian island, and the Volcano National Park was my favorite place that we visited on our entire trip =) Big Island Volcano is a GORGEOUS turquoise green with some lovely hidden shimmer throughout. As gorgeous as it is, the formula is one of the absolute worst I have ever used. My other Island Girl polishes are not nearly this bad. It was a horrible, streaky mess and did not self level at all, which means I have lots of lovely ridges in my manicure.

So why is it my favorite Island Girl polish then if the formula is so horrible? Well, because the color is AMAZING! The turquoise is so bright it's almost neon, and it just looks fantastic on the nails. And you guys all know that I'm an absolute sucker for anything with hidden shimmer, so there's that too. I did a thick coat of Seche Vite so that helped a little, but it's still not perfect. Despite the ridges and the minor bald spots, I still can't stop staring at my nails. I have nothing else like this color in my collection of over 850 polishes so you better bet that this polish is staying right where it is in my stash. I even want a backup of it!

Here's Big Island Volcano, 3 coats with 1 thick coat of Seche Vite. My pictures aren't the best today so please bear with me here.

And for fun, here are some of my favorite pictures of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Enjoy!

Perhaps a better color for something named "Big Island Volcano" should have been a nice granite grey shade. Oh well, I'm not complaining! 

I hope you all enjoyed today's post. Have you been to Hawaii? If so, tell me all about it! If not, tell me about your favorite vacation spot =)


  1. Cool post, I like reading about other places. :) It looks lovely, but I haven't been to Hawaii in my life. Hmm, my favourite vacation spot ... I love Czech Republic and Slovakia and I have a very special place in my heart for the city Granada in southern Spain. I think those three are my main destinations in general. :)

  2. lovely shade, love the vulcano pictures

  3. This is a really pretty color! And your pictures are amazing. I'm a huge volcano lover and have always wanted to visit Hawaii. :)

  4. @Ulmiel - I loved your pics of the Slovakian castle on your blog! Traveling is so fun, and I love reading about other people's travels as well =)

    @Shannara - thanks so much! <3

    @Courtney - thanks! Hawaii is a great place to go to visit Volcanoes =)

  5. Oooh I like this one! Crazy thing is I can't remember all the polishes I sent home >.<. Lovely pics too!

    Thanks for the shout out!

  6. Love this color, I'd love to try this brand! My favorite vacation spot has to be Bermuda- I went this past May with Brandon and it was absolutely breathtaking.

  7. @Krista - you're welcome! can't wait to see what polishes you brought home =)

    @Amanda - I have always wanted to go to Bermuda! I love tropical locales =)

  8. What a beautiful, creamy summer shade! Love it!


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