
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Retro Sunday Squared with Polished Claws Up - Maybelline Glitters

Hi my lovely readers! I'm so excited about today's post, the first edition of Retro Sunday Squared with the lovely Dana over at Polished Claws Up! Dana and I met at a Cleveland nail bloggers meetup back in September and discovered that we are pretty much nail polish twins - we have the exact same taste in polish and always have amazing luck dusty hunting together. Since Dana and I both share an insatiable love for vintage polishes, we decided to team up every week and show you all some of the retro gems in our collections! This week, we decided to share with you some vintage Maybelline glitters, so I hope you all check out Dana's post as well to see what she has in store for you all today!

First up is Brilliant Amethyst from the Wet Shine Diamonds and Gems collection. I don't have an exact release date for this polish, but I believe it was somewhere between 2002 and 2005. Anyways, Brilliant Amethyst is an AWESOME pinky-lavender foil packed packed with tons of holo glitter! I did two coats here, the polish was a bit runny so I had to be careful not to flood my cuticles but otherwise the formula was great! One thin coat of Seche Vite smoothed out the glitter and there was no grittiness to the touch. I really love this one!! Since amethyst is my birthstone (and also happens to be in my engagement ring), I'm always a sucker for any polish with "amethyst" in the name =)

Next up is one of my most favorite reds in my entire collection - Cherry Carats! It is from the Wet Shine Diamonds collection, which I believe was released in 2003. Cherry Carats is an AMAZING cherry red jelly packed with pink microglitter. Upon my first cursory glance CC, I figured that the microglitter in it was just your standard silver, but it actually is this amazing pink glitter that shines through the jelly finish of this polish. IT IS SO AWESOME YOU GUYS! This was two super easy coats, and was a bit thicker than Brilliant Amethyst so I had no worries about flooding cuticles. I wish all polishes could have the same formula as Cherry Carats! I swatched this one second so I could do a full manicure with it and stare and my nails all day. Anyways, make sure to enlarge to pics to check out that pink glitter!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed the first edition of Retro Sunday Squared! Don't forget to check out Polished Claws Up! as well!


  1. Holy cow!! Those are gorgeous! Now I'm off to eBay to try and find some.. haha!!

    1. Aren't they awesome?! Glad you like =) Cherry Carats I know is on the bay right now, not sure about Brilliant Amethyst though!

  2. AGGGHHH!!!!! Our first Retro Sunday Squared Post!!! Girl - great choices!!!! Brilliant Amethyst is jaw-dropping. And that cherry red color for Cherry Carats? You know me and my red polish! I must hunt this sucker down and add it to my wishlist! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your bottle shots! They lend such detail to the polish! YAY FOR OUR IDEA!!!!!!! <3<3

    1. AHH! This is seriously so much fun, I know I am going to be looking forward to doing this post every week! Cherry Carats is so amazing, I legit keep staring at my nails to look at how awesome this is!! Glad my bottle shots turned out, I'm especially pleased with the Amethyst one. Anyways, can't wait for next Sunday!!!!!

  3. oh my, how funny, I have Cherry Carats!!! I bought it eons ago (2003 is eons, right?? ) and never really used it.... now looking at your swatches I must put it on!!! Thanks for reminding me what a gem I have!! =)) Beautiful nails!!

    1. Thank you so much! I think 2003 is definitely eons ago, I was still in high school! You definitely should wear this one, it's a gem! I can't stop admiring my nails right now =)

  4. Wow these are beautiful polishes!!

  5. Oh wow! Love how the bottles looked. I liked the brilliant amethyst.

    1. Thanks!! I was happy with the bottle shots too, had to make the Amethyst one a bit out of focus to capture the holo glitter but I think it was worth it!

  6. whoa those are sooooooooooooo pretty!!!!!!!! where can u find Maybelline polishes??? i don't have em at my Walmart or anything

    1. Well these ones have been discontinued for quite some time so I got them on eBay. I see the new Maybelline polishes all the time though, I think the last one I bought was from Rite Aid. I have seen them at CVS, Walgreens and Target before as well =)

  7. Both polishes looks amazing!!

  8. Replies
    1. I think so too! I decided to do a full manicure with it and I am constantly checking to admire it! It's such the perfect red color too, not too orange and not too blue. Love it!

  9. Gorgeous glitters, and very cute bottles too. On the pics they look a bit like mini bottles, but I can see that they're not. :)

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean about the bottles but they are the same size as most others! (0.5 oz) =)

  10. Hmmm, my sister happens to own Cherry Carats and doesn't realize how great it is. I may need to "borrow"it from her after seeing these great pics.

    1. You definitely need to borrow it! It's absolutely phenomenal, one of the best reds that I own!

  11. Wowza! Cherry Carats is amazing! Love seeing these retro polishes- looking forward to seeing more!

    1. I'm glad you like the retro polishes! Cherry Carats is definitely stunning, I think it's one of my top red polishes ever. The pink glitter really puts it over the top for me!

  12. love the two nail lacquer, beautiful.

  13. love love love love the red one is gorgeous!!!

    1. Thanks! I'm really enjoying that one as well. It's such an awesome polish!

  14. Aaaahhhh!!!! These are both gorgeous!! I want them badly!!

    1. Aren't they fun! Since they're discontinued, there a bit hard to find but Cherry Carats is currently available on eBay and I just saw the Amethyst one on Amazon =)

  15. YUMMMMM!!! Delicious colors and beautiful look!! I LOVE 'em!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  16. Gorgeous picks! I'm not sure that I have Brilliant Amethyst, but I do have my original bottle of Ruby Carats! I can confirm that I purchased it in January 2002.

    You should also look for Twinkling Turquoise from the same collection. Also gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Kaz!!! 2002, eh? I'll have to go back and edit the date, can always count on you for vintage polish info!! That's so cool that you still have your original bottle! Oh the polishes I would have if I didn't toss them all =( And yes, I have had my eye on Twinkling Turquoise but it's so expensive on the bay right now, hoping it will pop up on a blog sale for less =)

  17. Wow I love both of them I so remember those bottles too I think use to have a few, such a shame I didn't know they don't go bad.

    1. I feel the same way! I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from throwing away all my old polishes!

  18. They're both really gorgeous! I'm not not a huge fan of reds on me, but Cherry Carats is sooooo stunning. Why can't we have colors like this today?! It seems like all of the good stuff came out years ago. I regret not buying beauties like this while they were available.


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