
Saturday, September 1, 2012

China Glaze I'm Not Lion

Happy Friday afternoon everyone! Sorry I'm so late with this post, school is only a week in and kicking my ass already. Six classes is no joke. MERP. I've been behind with blog reading, so I'm sorry if I haven't stopped by this week, I plan on catching up over the weekend!

Today I have for you the only polish that I picked up from the China Glaze On Safari, I'm Not Lion. I've been super disappointed with China Glaze's collections lately, which is odd because they are usually my favorite brand. Nevertheless, I'm Not Lion is an AMAZING glitter polish that I think everyone should have in their stash! Definitely the standout in the collection for me.

I'm Not Lion is a cool-toned gold glitter with holo bits in it!! I just absolutely LOVE the color of this, it is not yellow-toned at all and is neutral enough to be worn by every skin tone. There is so much holo glitter in this that when you are looking at the bottle, you can see full rainbows like you would in legit holo polishes. It's just PACKED with the stuff! Another awesome thing about I'm Not Lion is that it is fully opaque in 2 coats! I love 2 coat glitters. Application was a breeze, it dried smooth with only one layer of topcoat and overall was just a dream to wear.

Here's 2 coats of China Glaze I'm Not Lion with top coat.

Thanks for stopping by today! Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday night!


  1. This is such a perfect polish- I love it! My favourite from the On Safari collection, by far.

  2. Yea, I've been pretty disappointed with this collection as well... nothing seemed "special" but this post made me think otherwise! Might have to go pick this up now :P

    1. This is definitely a standout, if you don't have anything like this in your stash, you should definitely pick it up. I'm such an enabler lol

  3. I hear you on school! I am only in 5 classes but after being out for years I am not thinking I made a good decision LOL, I feel totally brain dead already and really worried about when they all ramp up for mid terms. Thank goodness for the long weekend!

    I'm Not Lion makes me feel better though..sighhh perfection.

    1. I hear ya, homework + class + tests + papers = brain dead me lol. Glad I'm Not Lion cheered you up a bit =)

  4. This was the only one from the On Safari collection that really stood out to me. It looks perfect! I feel for you on the six classes a week, I only ever had 5 and that was more than enough work! Power on! :)

    1. I agree, such a stunner!! 5 classes is a lot, 6 is suicide lol. UGH!

  5. So jealous - I'm definitely lemming after this one! So pretty!

    1. It is a winner for sure! I hope you can get your hands on it soon!

  6. I'm Not Lion is one of my favs from the Safari Collection. It's just so sparkling and gorgeous! Good luck with all your school work! :-)

    ~ Yun

  7. Six classes is a heavy load for sure. I never took more than five I think, I am a wimp. I think it depends on the class, and you never know until you get in there.

    I would always envision myself in my graduation gown walking across the stage on those tough days.

    I wonder what you will wear for your manicure when you graduate?


    1. So true! I need to just keep imagining holding my degree in my hands =) Hmmm graduation nail polish eh? Another motivator to think about!

  8. love this, good luck with your classes!

  9. Oh wow, look at that holo glitter - it looks great on you.
    Remember that blogging should be a pleasure, not a pressure - so if you have time for less, that's the way it is...!

    1. Thank you, I need to remember to keep things in perspective sometimes. School always needs to come before polish =)

  10. Six classes! OMG! I hope we don't lose you! HMMMM..... I might just have to go buy this one now... Your swatch looks AWESOME!

    1. LOL I'm going to try to stick around this time! I'm Not Lion is fab, you definitely need it in your stash =)

  11. This is such a gorgeous colour! I'm tossing up buying either this one or I Herd That. But I think this one will edge it out a little bit because it's so stunning!

    1. This one definitely beat out I Herd That, the holo glitter in this one won me over =)

  12. This one and I Herd That are such standouts, love them!

    1. Yes, both awesome glitters for sure! The rest were kind of meh though!

  13. I didn't pick up any from the safari collection, but I love this one! It's really pretty. I love how blingy it is.

  14. Beautiful!!!! I love this! Best of luck with school! You've got quite a class load!

  15. This polish is so beautiful! This is one my sister picked up and it's so pretty to look at!

    1. It is definitely beautiful!! I love staring at it, it looks especially awesome in sunlight =)

  16. I looove this one, it is so gorgeous!

  17. Good luck with school! I had 6 classes my second to last semester and it sucked so bad, but it's so worth it when you have your diploma! Keep your eyes on the prize! You will love being a paralegal! I'm so glad I went this route!

  18. I seriously need to rethink passing this up!


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