
Friday, August 3, 2012

Stash Swap with Rach from stuff i (s)watched


Hi everyone!! I'm baaaaaaaaaack! We are finally all settled into our new house, my polish room set up, my nails finally grown back from the breaks I suffered during moving and I'm ready to go! Thanks for sticking around during my long hiatus! I'm a bit rusty with my swatching and photographing skills so hopefully they get back up to par in the next few weeks =)

A while back, Rach from stuff i (s)watched and I decided to do a stash swap! A stash swap is where you send each other a few polishes from your own stash for the other person to swatch and then send them back. I'm so glad to have done this with Rachel and I'm sure she's glad that I'm finally swatching her polishes after a few months of having them so I can finally send them back to her =D Anyways, stash swaps - they're a good time!! Thanks Rach for letting me try these polishes and being patient with me while I found the time to swatch them!


First up is RGB Camp. Rach wanted me to try this one because she is a huge fan of RGB and I had never tried one of their polishes before. Camp is a lovely greyed-out dusty green creme. The end result is gorgeous but it was a little streaky for me, and I wasn't in love with the formula.

In the bottle, the pigment has separated a bit and even through vigorous shaking, I wasn't able to get rid of the little blue streaks throughout. It ended up being barely noticeable on the nail though. The formula was a bit thick, and if it were my own polish I probably would have thinned it out.

But, despite the less-than-perfect application, it is a GORGEOUS color and I may have to pick up a bottle for myself because a) I don't have anything quite like it in my stash and b) I am a huge camper, went to summer camp every year as a kid and the word "camp" just gives me warm fuzzies.

Anyways, here is 2 coats of RGB Camp!

Next up is Maybelline Hip Huggers! This is a vintage Maybelline Express Finish polish from the Denim collection. I'm not sure what year this came out, and I'm not even sure if there was an official name for this collection. My guess is that this is circa late 90's-early 00's. I own pretty much the whole collection, but Hip Huggers has been one that has eluded my reach!! I'm so glad to have been able to swatch it because it is a beaut!

Hip Huggers is a dark, dusty periwinkle creme with the tiniest bit of hidden shimmer. The formula was a bit thick, very on par with other Maybelline Express Finish polishes from that time. Again, if it was my own polish I probably would have added a few drops of thinner but it did fine without it. It was a bit difficult to capture the shimmer on the nail but I did my best!

Here's two coats of Maybelline Hip Huggers. If you click to enlarge, you might be able to see hints of shimmah!

And last, but certainly not least, is China Glaze Paper Chasing. This is the polish that started the whole stash swap idea! I told Rach that had never tried it, and she insisted that I must as it is one of her favorite greens! I was not disappointed folks, this is one heck of a green!!

Paper Chasing is an awesome shimmery grass green polish from the 2009 Summer Kicks collection. It is a bit sheer so it took 3 coats to reach opacity, but its sheerness allowed the depth of the shimmer to show through and it was just perfect. Formula was absolutely outstanding, thin but not runny and easy to control! UGH! Rach, you are right, I am head over heels for this green! As a lover of all things green, I'm fairly certain I will need to pick up a bottle for my own stash.

Here's 3 coats of China Glaze Paper Chasing.


Thanks everyone for stopping by today! I have lots planned for you all coming up, so stay tuned! Have a fantastic Friday <3


  1. Man I love those old Maybellines! I have a ton of them, mostly glitters and pinks (my dad owned a dollar store a few years ago and we got those in so I grabbed every color we had!). I really need to get my hands on some of the other colors! Love it!

    Camp is really gorgeous on you, too. I have yet to try an RBL polish, but Camp really makes me want to!

    1. Wow, that is so awesome that you have a bunch of old Maybellines!! They are some of my favorite vintage polishes, I love them!

      Loving camp as well! It was my first RBL and while I didn't love the formula, I definitely want to try more!

  2. Congrats on your new house! Lovely swatches! I especially like Paper Chasing! :D

    ~ Yun

  3. Hip Huggers is stunning!! :D

  4. My polish BFF is back! Sooooooo happy!! <3 Hip Huggers needs to get in my Helmer. How do I not have paper chasing yet?! NEED.

    1. I'm back baby!! Yes, you need both Hip HUggers and Paper Chasing! I will let you know if I come across Hip Huggers!!

  5. Welcome back!! :) All three beauties are right up my alley, gorgeous little things.

    1. Thanks so much <3 Aren't they all fantastic? I need to add them all to my stash some day!


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