
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Vintage Stash Spam Week - Maybelline and Random Drugstore Brands

Hi all! I'm running late today so I have a super quick post for you all today! Maybelline is one of my favorite vintage collections because....well, just because. The short and stout bottles are so adorable and the colors are fantastic. I threw in a few other brands too because they were in the same helmer drawer as the Maybellines! Enjoy =)


 Maybelline Express Finish Glitters, L-R:
Red Comet, Pink Twinkle, Mandarin Mars, Bolt of Blue, Planet Purple

 Maybelline Wet Shine, L-R:
Juicy Tomato, Juicy Melon, H2O Pink, Peach Gleam, Banana Puddin', Spiced Cider

 Maybelline Wet Shine Diamonds, L-R:
Cherry Carats, Candy Hearts, Beaming Ruby, Sparkling Opal, Brilliant Amethyst

 Maybelline Express Finish Matte, L-R:
Matte Ruby, Matte Gold, Matte Khaki, Matte Sapphire, Matte Grape, Matte Grey

 Maybelline Express Finish, L-R
Blackened Maroon, Pink Sorbet, Purple Punk, Silver Lilac, Plum Aluminum,
Purple Aluminum, Purple Comet

 Maybelline Express Finish, L-R:
Electric Apple, Lime Aluminum, Khaki Fringe, Blackened Teal, Jungle Green, Jaded Blues

 Maybelline Express Finish, L-R:
Button Fly, Stone Washed, Boot Leg, Blue Riders, Diva Blues, Indigo Chic, Zip Fly

Maybelline Express Finish, L-R:
Tassled Taupe, Bronze Beam, Shooting Stars, Planet Pluto, Silver Spells

 Cover Girl Nail Slicks, L-R:
Mod Swing, Sunshine, Galactic Green, Blue Parfait, Sheer Orchid

 Cover Girl Nail Slicks, L-R:
Midnight Rose, Mystic Peacock, Deep Blue Sea, Denim, Chocolate Mint, Smoky Topaz

 Cover Girl Slicks, L-R:
Arctic Violet, Silver Violet, Crystal, Anti-Freeze, Gold Front
 Naturistics, L-R:
Pink gloss, Silver gloss, Pink Flirt Pearl, Fool's Gold Pearl, Periwinkle Pearl, Glacier,
Green gloss, Blue gloss
Randoms, L-R:
Jordache Green, Blue, Jane Up All Night, Pure Ice Wild Thing, Celestial, Grape Ice, 
Smackers Blue Glitter


Do you have any vintage Maybellines? Any other vintage drugstore polishes?

Thanks for stopping by everyone! I know this stash spam is probably getting a little boring but we're more than halfway there now! Only 3 more days left!


  1. Love seeing the older polishes! Great collection:)

  2. I have a Maybelline Wet Shine polish in Pink Crush and a Wet Shine Diamonds in Into the Sunset. I saw a listing on ebay where Into the Sunset is listed for $14.39 - crazy:-) I should appreciate it more, I guess.

    I also have an Express Finish in Tiger Eyes, and an Ultimate Wear in Pink So Sweet. I seem to remember the Express Finish polishes chipping on me badly.

    1. Awesome! Yes definitely appreciate your old Maybellines, they are quite rare and often $$$ these days. Yeah, the Express Finish polishes don't exactly have the greatest formula but they seem to wear pretty decently on me with a good top and base coat combo =)

  3. yeahhh...I have one Cover girl Anti-Freeze
    I didn't know that's a vintage polish :)

    1. See, you learn something new every day =) Anti-Freeze is one of my favorites, so pretty over black!

  4. I really, really love your vintage polish posts, so fun to see, thanks a lot!

  5. I always love seeing other people's stashes lol. It's a lot of fun! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Me too, I absolutely love seeing stash pictures!! Part of the reason why I decided to do some of mine =)

  6. I have CG Denim and several Maybelline Wet Shine and Diamonds.. and even a Jane!

    1. I LOVE Janes! You lucky girl! Between my one, and Dana's one, we have three between us! lol. They are so rare, I hope to find more one day!

  7. I haven't seen a Smackers polish in 10 years! Haha! It seems like all they make now is lip products. I like those ancient Wet Shine Diamonds! Very pretty! ^.^

    1. I know, I have seriously been searching for a Smackers polish forever, I'm so glad I found this one!! Glad you like =)

  8. GAH. I don't know where to start. I am beyong JEALOUS of that Smackers. O_O Can't wait to see you swatch it! Red Comet?! WOWZA! That goes for pretty much all of the Maybelline glitters though. LOVIN these posts my love!

    1. The Smackers polish is so fun, I had been looking for one forever! Girllll I have more Bonne Bell polishes on their way to me, you are going to pass out when you see them!! LOL! Red Comet is awesome, but it's pretty much just a Ruby Pumps dupe. Still a great addition to the collection though!

  9. wow awesome vintage stash spam!! maybelline did some gooood things..what happened? lol

    also CG Mystic Peacock was my absolute favoriteeeee polish ever.. i remember buying like 3 bottles of it and not wearing anything else for like a year hahah. really need to snag another one on ebay or something!

    stash spam is NEVERR boring..loove looking at pretty bottles!

    1. Thank you so much!! I agree, Maybelline needs to bring back the good old days!
      Mystic Peacock is amazing!!!! There's probably some up on ebay right now, they're usually pretty cheap. I'm glad you are enjoying my stash spam =)

  10. does anyone have an idea what this one is? I can't find a color name for it :( stamped on the bottom is wv263. The back label has a black box and underneath says 20agpu-249. picture is at the bottom of the post

    Glossy and Glitter: Nail Wheels :)

  11. OMG SILVER LILAC! That was one of my first nail polishes back in the early 2000's. The colour was so cool!

  12. I know this is an old post, & that this is a long shot, but does anyone know of a current polish (as of October 2017) that is similar to Maybelline Mandarin Mars??? I'm trying to bring my old bottle back to life from a glitter sludge, but I just adore it. I'm thinking about trying Frankening to try to re-create it! Thank you so much!!!


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