
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

China Glaze Limonyte - Last Hurrah of Summer Week

Hi everyone!! Hope you all had a great weekend =) If you were wondering, OUR WIENER DOGS BOTH WON FIRST PLACE IN THEIR HEATS AT THE RACES!! We have been doing this for 5 years now and neither of them has ever won so it was super exciting! They were both eliminated in the final rounds, but we took home two shiny blue ribbons this year. Yay for UZI and Arrow!! So proud of my little weens =)


Anyways, back to blogging business! Fall is upon us but I still find myself reaching for brights and neons all the time. I figured this would be the time to get the rest of the summer out of my system and do lots of fun, bright and summery colors for this week! Hence, the Last Hurrah of Summer Week is born!

First up is one of my all-time favorite polishes, China Glaze Limonyte. Limonyte is from the 2005 Nervy Neons collection and is long discontinued and extremely difficult to find. It is one of the most sought after polishes in the nail community and was one of my very first lemmings! I finally found it on eBay awhile ago for a STEAL and scooped it right up. Limonyte is lusted after by many, and for good reason - it is PHENOMENAL!! It is a neon green packed with yellow-gold shimmer. There are many similar polishes out there but none of them GLOW quite like Limonyte does =)

It is quite sheer, so it took 4 coats to reach opacity. Another caveat of this polish is the drying time. It takes foreverrrrrrrrr to dry. I honestly did not even leave it on for long enough to see how long it would take to dry completely. This might be one of those polishes that I would do a few hours before bedtime and give it all night to dry. You know me, 4 coats and super long drying time does not stop me from loving such an amazing polish!

Here's 4 coats of China Glaze Limonyte. Don't forget to click these babies to enlarge, you won't regret it! Enjoy =)

Thanks for stopping by today!! See you all tomorrow for another Last Hurrah of Summer polish!


  1. Congratulations on your doggies blue ribbons :) - how nice for you!

    OHMG I never ever saw this color before, it's totally gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! I'm so proud of those little weens! Glad you like the polish, it's a stunner for sure!!

  2. Congrats to your dogs! YAY! OMG I love this color *adds to wishlist* LOL

  3. Gorgeous! Love the idea of the last hurrah of summer!!

    1. Thanks!! I'm so excited about my last hurrah posts, I hope you enjoy them =)

  4. Love this, my unofficial Twinsie for today!!

  5. Wow the shimmers and the brightness! Very awesome!

  6. Wow thats pretty! Congrats to your dogs! haha

  7. That sucks that this takes so long to dry because it is absolutely stunning!

  8. The yellow shimmer is to die for! So gorgeous! I'm trying to part with my summer brights for fall too, but it's taking some effort, haha. And congrats on your dogs winning, that's awesome!

    1. Thank you!! There's just so many good summer colors I haven't worn yet and I am craving bright colors!!

  9. It's gorgeous! I hope I'll come across it some day)

  10. You're so lucky to have this polish in your life, it's stunning! The only thing that I have that comes close to it is Spoiled I'm So Jaded and I love it.

    1. That's definitely similar to Limonyte! I will have to do a comparison one day!

  11. Did you take videos of the dogs this year?

    Gorgeous color, it definitely glows!

    1. No videos sadly, but our friend took some pics! I will post them when he posts them to facebook =) Glad you like the polish!!

  12. I loooove colors like this and it looks great on you!

  13. Gorgeous! Actually reminds me of I'm With the Lifeguard though, Love these shimmery neons <3

    1. Yes its definitely similar! I need to do a comparison with all the shimmery neon green polishes one day!

  14. Ahhh my god, this is drool-worthy. I love it. Just looked it up on ebay, and yep, pretty ridiculous for one bottle! So pretty, though...

    1. Yup, it's definitely fallen victim to the scalpers on eBay but if you keep your eyes peeled, hopefully you can find it for a decent price!

  15. Replies
    1. Our friend took some pics, I will post them when he gets them to us!

  16. Yay congrats to you and your dogs! :D
    And OMG, this color is gorgeous!! So bright and fun!

    ~ Yun

  17. Im wondering why I didnt get this.... It looks amazing!

    1. Glad you like it! Hopefully you can find it for a reasonable price somewhere!

  18. Yay! Your dogs are awesome!! :D
    Love this color!

  19. I LOVE my bottle of Limonyte! It's so blinding! Also, congrats to the dogs! I have a weiner dog too, but he would never be able to compete in a race...too distracted! They're so cute though!

    1. Thanks! LOL Our dogs are easily distracted as well, last year they both came in last place in their heats, and this year they both came in first. It's a crapshoot!

  20. yay!!! congrats to the puppies!!

    and this is so pretty, love the shimmer. OOOOO do you have I'm With the Lifeguard?? you could have a killer comparison post!! I'm thinking this one is brighter!

    1. I don't have I'm With the Lifeguard! I really should get it so I can do a comparison. There is also a Spoiled polish that is similar too that I've been wanting to compare!

  21. Wow, you've found it! This one is so pretty!

  22. This green is a serious rare and amazing gem! GAH I love it so much! It took forever for dry on me too though!

  23. I seriously love this polish, and wish I had been into nail polish and stayed in back then! I didn't know about China Glaze back then, to think of the rarities I could have had... :)

    There is a new polish by Wet N Wild in their Fergie line called Glowstick; I plan to get it to see if it's close at all to Limonyte. I don't own the latter, alas, and won't anytime soon unless I win the lottery, LOL, but I'll compare it to photos and make do that way. Great shots!!


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