
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Retro Sunday Squared - Vintage L'Oreals

Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you have all had a fantastic weekend! Today on Retro Sunday Squared with myself and Dana over at Polished Claws Up! have decided to swatch some vintage L'Oreals. I LOVE vintage L'Oreal polishes, and have pretty much doubled my collection of them thanks to an amazing lot that I found on eBay UK (and my wonderful friend Esther who muled them for me!). I had a hard time picking which two to swatch for this post because I own so many fantastic ones. I finally decided on Future Jade and Laquiresist Ocean, two of my more recent acquisitions. I'm not sure of the exact dates of these polishes, but I am guessing they came out some time in the 1990's.

Don't forget to check out the awesome L'Oreal polishes that Dana has swatched for today over at Polished Claws Up!


First up is L'Oreal Laquiresist Ocean. This polish was one of my most wanted polishes for EVER and when it finally popped up on eBay UK I was stoked beyond belief! Ocean is a gorgeous deep ocean blue polish packed with large silver shimmer. It walks the fine line between wanting to be a foil and wanting to be a shimmer. I just LOVE this one. It has a bit of a night sky-esque quality to it while still maintaining its individuality. I don't think I have anything else quite like this in my stash so I am so happy to have finally gotten my hands on it!

Without further ado, here's 2 coats of L'Oreal Laquiresist Ocean.


Next up is L'Oreal Future Jade. I don't really have too much to say about this polish except it may just be one of the top 5 greens in my entire collection - and that's a compliment considering green is my favorite polish color! Future Jade is an emerald green with golden green shimmer running throughout. It's such a bright and rich color, and then that shimmer that makes it a definite home run. It was a bit sheer, but I love sheer shimmers because the depth of the polish intensifies with each coat. I'm so glad to have this bad boy in my stash!

Here's 3 coats of L'Oreal Future Jade. Enjoy!


What do you guys think of these vintage L'Oreals? Do you have any old school L'Oreals in your stash?

I'm bummed that I didn't get a chance to post the conclusion of vintage Hard Candy week yesterday, I promise I will show you very soon! The weekends get pretty crazy around here so I just didn't have the time. Anyways, thanks for stopping by today and I will see you all soon =)


  1. OMG! I can't really decide between the both, they are both so utterly gorgeous! Being a giant green junkie, I'd still probably pick Future Jade if I had to, but Ocean is simply stunning too.

    1. They really are both fantastic, I'm not sure I could pick a favorite between the two! Keep your eyes peeled for Future Jade, it's a green lover's dream!

  2. I have 2 vintage L'Oreal Wear Extraordinaires that I love - Flash and Gilded Brown. I think Gilded Brown was the first brown polish I ever bought!

    1. So cool! I think I only have one of the Wear Extraordinaires, it's called Blue Metal and it is amazing!

  3. Oh my freakin GAWD woman! These are jaw dropping. I can't decide which one I love more! I need more L'Oreals! (who an I kidding, after the ones you sent me I got for more lol!) the shimmer in that green. O_o

    1. I know, I don't think I can pick a favorite either! They really are both amazeballs!

  4. They are both beautiful on you. i need a mani with Laquiresist Ocean (or something like it) soon! :-)

  5. Wow, cool flashback to the old packaging! Amazing... I know I'm always amazed at old stuff! LOL!

  6. Og, so gorgeous both of them, the blue is the most beautiful tho...

  7. I really love future jade, green being my favourite colour!

  8. Future Jade is a winner !! Both look gorgeous on ya Jacqui :)

  9. As usual with your swatches, I'm in love with both of these colours! It's hard to pick between the two, but Laquiresist Ocean has seriously stolen my heart. I love your vintage posts so much!

    1. Awwww thanks Jenn! Perhaps I've created another vintage polish lover?

  10. Replies
    1. It really is a gem! There's still a bunch left on eBay UK, you'd have to have a friend there to mule it for you because the seller only ships within the UK though =/

  11. Future Jade omfg that depth in the polish <3333

    1. It really has incredible depth, I couldn't capture it well in the pics. In real life it is so amazing!

  12. I remember owning a bunch of these L'oreals back when I was in HS and throwing all of them away at some point because they got thick. Damn. I love the blue one

    1. I threw away all of my old polishes too, I wish I would have kept some of them! If only we'd known about thinner back in the day *shakes fist*

  13. How did I not know that these colors existed once upon a time? These are just so gorgeous!

  14. Wow. I've only a few L'Oreals in my collection, and not a single one is vintage. These are stunning! OMG. The blue reminds me of the deep indigos in Van Gogh's Starry Night, and that green is insane, with insane being a very good thing.

    How old do you figure these are?


    1. Glad you love them!! I wish I knew the exact dates on these, but I estimate they are from somewhere in the mid-to-late 90's, with the green one probably being older than Ocean.

  15. Future Jade reminds me of China Glaze Agro- but brighter. Sigh! Its so pretty!

    1. Perhaps a little bit - Future Jade is definitely a million times better than Agro though!

  16. I really love both shades! I don't think I even own any L'Oreal polish! Shame on me, I'll have to fix that now!

    1. I can't vouch for the newer ones since I've never tried them, but there are definitely some amazing vintage L'Oreals floating around out there!

  17. Woah! Both beautiful shades but oh em gee Laquiresist Ocean is STUNNING :D I want it so badly! You have the best collection of vintage polishes I know! I'm deeply envious of your collection :)

    1. Ocean is definitely a gem!! Awww thank you! It's taken a while to get my collection where it's at now, patience definitely pays off when you collect vintage polish =)

  18. Ocean is gorgeous. I love vintage polishes, but for some reason I totally do not remember these!

    1. Ocean is definitely a stunner, glad you like!! I don't remember them too well either, but I do remember my mom had a yellow L'Oreal polish in this bottle shape that I LOVED, I wish I remember the name.

  19. Oh wow, Ocean is gorgeous! Great swatches, thanks for sharing! I love all these retro posts! I'm wondering if you have any of the old Bonne Bell Nail Gear polishes? Scandal is my favourite polish of all time and it's from the Nail Gear line. I never see anything from them on nail blogs, but holy crap is it a gorgeous colour! I'll have to re-swatch it for my own blog soon! Probably came out 95-97-ish.

    1. OMG It's so funny you mention Nail Gear, I have literally been searching for those polishes for YEARS, I finally got 6 of them in a swap last month. I'm not sure if Scandal was one of the ones I got though, I'll have to check. I will be swatching them soon!

  20. The blue looks kind of like jeans....shiny jeans ;)

  21. I have no idea where you and polished claws up-find all these cool vintage polish-they are gorgeous!

  22. They are both beautiful! I can see why Jade is one of your top green polishes--it's stunning :D

    ~ Yun

  23. O.O Laquiresist Ocean is gorgeous!! I LOVE it! It just has so much depth and shine!


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