
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Revlon Top Speed LE Halloween 2012 - Wicked Star

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is having a better morning than myself, I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. But never fear, I have another fantastic Halloween polish to share with you all today!

Today I have swatched Revlon Wicked Star from this year's LE Halloween collection. To be honest, this was the Halloween collection I was most excited for this year! Crazy, right? Especially considering I only wanted two colors from the collection. The reason why I was so stoked about these Revlons is because they are absolutely gorgeous shimmer polishes. If you are new around these parts, shimmer is my FAVORITE POLISH FINISH EVAR. I don't know what it is, I just have a huge penchant for shimmers so these Revlons were right up my alley.

Revlon Wicked Star is a grassy green packed with awesome light green shimmer. This polish just absolutely glows. I am quite obsessed with it and I never want to take it off. I will of course, to show off some of my other polishes but if it wasn't for blogging, I'd probably keep this on for quite awhile. It's not exactly the most Halloween-y green but since it's in a Halloween collection, so I'll take it! Plus the name, Wicked Star? LOVE!

The formula, however, leaves a bit to be desired. A great shimmer polish will usually have a a thin and watery formula to help those layers of shimmer shine through but Wicked Star was a tint bit thick. I tested this out on a nail wheel first and realized that I would need to do really thin coats to prevent a streaky shimmer. Next time I use this, I'll probably add a few drops of thinner to ease in application. Honestly not that big a deal but I figured it was worth mentioning. For the casual polisher, this probably would have been an easy 1-coater but since I was photographing, I did two thin coats.

So here's 2 thin coats of Revlon Wicked Star. Enjoy!

What do you guys think? Have you picked up any of Revlon's Halloween polishes this year?

Thanks for stopping by today lovelies! I will see you all tomorrow and don't forget to enter my Halloween Giveaway Spooktacular if you haven't already =)


  1. I hardly gave these a second glance but after seeing this swatch I'm second guessing.. I love Revlon, and I love green... This is stunning!

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you like it! It really is a great polish!

  2. Hope you feel better! I didn't even know Revlon had a Halloween collection out! Great green goodness! This looks awesome on you! I'll have to check these Revlons out!

    1. Yes they do! Definitely keep your eyes peeled, they're great!

  3. I really wouldn't have stopped to look at those Revlon polishes, but your swatch is omg amazing! Look how glowy!

  4. Ohh I love it! I just brought my first green polish! This post makes me excited!

    Jazz x

  5. Ooh, this is much nicer on the nail than it looks in the bottle. I've kept passing it by without a second thought, but I really, really like it on you!

  6. Omg I can't wait till this arrives! Love love love your swatches!

    1. Thanks love!! I can't wait for you to get it too, you're going to love it!

  7. This is pretty, but I don't think I'd pick it up for myself. I love shimmery polishes, but this looks just a bit too frosted for me.

    1. It really isn't all that frosty, I promise!! I think just my pics make it look that way.

  8. This is beautiful! I hope this collection is still available. Anything Halloween related I need ;-)

    1. I hope you can get your hands on it, it really is a great polish!

  9. Hope you feel better Jacqui :) I love this green on ya but just a bit frosty for me. I was at Target just yesterday and they didnt have any :(

    1. Thank you!! I promise, it's not as Frosty in real life, just my pictures that make it look that way!

  10. This is lovely! Hope you feel better!

  11. I tend to shy away from greens, but the more beautiful ones I see out there, the more I love green polish! This one is wonderful and it looks great on you!

    1. Green is my favorite polish color! Glad you're starting to come over to the dark side =)

  12. It's a pretty green; but it reminds more of Christmas green than Halloween green. I imagine a "Halloween" green being more of a bright vibrant green...
    Thanks for the post!

    1. I agree, definitely more of a Christmas-y green than a Halloween-y green =) Its definitely still pretty though!

  13. I've passed this by several times at the store, but it's really pretty! I may have to give this one a try.

  14. I must go and check out the new Halloween collection. OMG! This green is gorgeous!

  15. This is a really stunning green! The shimmers are beautiful :-)
    Hope you feel better soon! <3

    ~ Yun

  16. I love this green, the shimmer is fantastic!

  17. So much better on the nail than in the bottle!! I picked it up in the store and wasn't wowed..but this is FAB!

    Hope you're feeling better <3

    1. It really does come out to play on the nail, doesn't it. Glad you like it!

  18. I haven't seen these yet! I will be on the lookout!

  19. It's a gorgeous green - lovely all year round really!

    1. Glad you like it! I agree, I can definitely see myself wearing it year round!

  20. Wow, I didn't know Revlon had a Halloween collection! This looks so great on you, that shimmer is the best! And I hope you feel better soon Jacqui! <3

    1. Thank you!! I'm glad you like it =) Definitely keep your eyes peeled for these polishes!

  21. I need a good, non-mint green in my life and this might be it! Lovely swatch :3

    1. This is definitely a great addition to any collection! Glad you like it!

  22. I didn't get any of these, but I'm sure enjoying your swatches! Thanks, J.

  23. This green is AMAZING, seriously! I need this in my life. <3

  24. This is a really gorgeous green!!

  25. Oooh. I haven't picked up any Halloween polishes yet. This green shimmer is tempting! It's so pretty!

  26. this is a really pretty shimmer! gotta say, I love the name too!

  27. This is such a gorgeous green, I love it!


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