
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Scholarly Nail's Halloween Giveaway Spooktacular! - CLOSED


Good morning my lovelies! I am so excited to bring you my very first giveaway today! I have recently reached several milestones on this blog, including my 1 year blogaversary, 400 followers and 100 posts! To celebrate you all being so amazing, and to celebrate my favorite holiday of the year, I bring you my HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY SPOOKTACULAR!

Up for grabs are:

PRIZE #1 - 3 China Glaze 2012 Halloween polishes and OPI Glow Out For Halloween Minis
This prize includes:
China Glaze Glitter Goblin, Cast a Spell and Immortal
OPI Glow Out for Halloween Mini set INCLUDING HTF BOO-BERRY

This prize includes:
Dollish Polish Deadly Nightshade, This is Halloween, What's This, Whats This? and Something's Up with Jack

 This prize includes:
Sonoma Nail Art Here Lies Robert, KB Shimmer Jack, CrowsToes Hell Hath No Fury and Hit Polish Halloween

 This prize includes:
Revlon Haunted Heart, Wicked Star and Skull Nail Stencils
Fantasy Makers Once Upon a Time and Rest in Pieces

This prize includes:
SUPER HTF VINTAGE Sally Hansen Jack-o-Lantern and Trick or Treat
Pumpkin Black Light polishes in Purple Glitter and Orange Glitter
NYC Demon Glow Glow-in-the-Dark Topcoat


1. Giveaway begins October 2, 2012 and ends at MIDNIGHT on October 16, 2012.
2. This is open INTERNATIONALLY (excluding Italy). Please keep in mind that international winners may not receive their prizes until after Halloween due to longer shipping times.
3. You must be 18 years of age to enter.
4. There will be 5 winners chosen randomly. Each winner will receive one of the prize packs. They will be chosen based on order of preference. I cannot guarantee that you will win your 1st choice prize. 
5. NO CHEATING. I will be checking entries daily and if you falsify any information, you will be automatically disqualified and will not be eligible to win any prizes. Please, let's keep this fair and fun for everyone!
6. Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.
7. You must be a follower using Google Friend Connect (GFC). You must also provide your e-mail address. All other entries are optional.
8. The winner has 48 HOURS to respond to my notification e-mail. If I do not hear from you, the prize will be passed on to another person.

Disclosure: All prizes purchased by me. All products are new and unused.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a great giveaway! Good luck to everyone, and thank you Jacqui for the chance to win.

  2. Definitely excited about the first prize. I'm crazy about the new ChG Wicked collection, and missed out on OPI Glow Out for Halloween as well. My favorite things about fall are probably the colors and the food. Thanks for holding this giveaway, it's incredibly generous of you!

  3. Oh man, this is one of the most fabulous giveaways, Jacqui!! Sheesh, thank you!! I would have to say I'm most excited about the Dollish Polish Halloween polishes since I've been wanting them but don't have the extra moolah lying around to pick them up for myself. My favorite think about Halloween/fall is the changing leaves on the trees, nature becomes more beautiful :-)

  4. Aaah! Those Dollish Polish colors look amazing! Also, my favorite thing about Fall is HALLOWEEN!!!

  5. Awesome giveaway, thank you Jacqui !!

  6. What a great themed giveaway!!! Thank you!

  7. I'm excited about the first pack - CG and OPI are perfect. Halloween is exciting with lots of special nail polish, and costume (and candy lol)

  8. I'm most excited about the Dollish Polish...I don't own any of those polishes yet!! I think football is my favorite part of fall!!!

  9. Jacqui!! This is such a generous giveaway! I'm most excited for the Vintage Sally Hansen, your blog makes me neeeeeed vintage polishes. I get so jealous over them;) My favorite part of Halloween is the fun you can put into it, and the fact it starts cooling down to double digits here in arizona;)

  10. Hi,
    Thank's for the giveaway !
    I'm most excited about prize nr. 1. About fall I like the new collections.

  11. I'm most excited about the first prize. My favorite thing about fall is the changing leaves and taking photos of them. :)

  12. I'm most excited about the first prize :). In my country we don't really celebrate Halloween, but I like Halloween related things, especially nail polishes (who doesn't? :) ). As for fall I like the colors of the leaves

  13. I am OMG excited about Crows Toes being in there! wowza! ANd of course, vintage sally's! Fall is one of my fave times of year because it's the first time all year tht I'm not sweating to death in the desert heat, and halloween is in fall! Halloween = scary movies (my fave), and watching my kids spend a night totally transformed into something they love.

  14. These prizes all look super fun! But I think I'd be most excited for the indies — especially the Dollish Polishes! My favourite things about fall are the leaves changing colours, getting to wear more interesting layered outfits, and often some really interesting polishes!

  15. Holy Moly girl! I just about spit out my fruit loops. This is such an AWESOME giveaway! I love fall, I actually just got around to decorating for Fall/Halloween because I've been so sick. I just wish it would feel like fall in SC!

  16. WOW! Best giveaway ever! I'm super hyped about the first prize. Boo-berry? Dude!

    My favorite thing about fall is wearing sweaters and tights and boots.

  17. I would love to win those China Glaze polishes! They look gorgeous! My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing all my kid cousins dress up :)

  18. The polish What's This, Whats This looks gorgeous xx

  19. All the prizes are fantastic but I'd love to win the Dollish Polish one. My favorite thing about Halloween is watching my kids dress up and get excited. Brings back memories from when I was little.

  20. I love Halloween! My favorite part is planning Halloween parties, and making pumpkin pie and other sweet treats. I'd love to win the Dollish Polish set.

  21. My favorite part of fall is football, baking, and crunchy leaf sound!

  22. All these great giveawaysss!! WHAAAT

  23. my favorite thing about fall is the color of the leaves!!:] and pie.

  24. This is a crazy amazing giveaway, Jacqui! Ranking the prizes was the hardest thing I've done all morning, haha. Prize #3 makes me the most excited since it has such a great range of different indie brands to try out! My favourite part of fall is the cooler weather and football season! Though I do love all of the apple and pumpkin drinks and desserts, too :) Thanks so much for the giveaway and congrats on all the milestones! <3

  25. All of those prizes are great!! I'd love to have the Dollish Polish set. My favorite part of fall is the cooler weather and getting to wear hoodies and sweaters again.

  26. Wow Jacqui!! Amazing giveaway! All these polishes are amazing and congratulations on all your milestones! My favorite thing about fall is the changing colors of the leaves and wearing cozy sweaters!

  27. prize numba 3 is da tits! hahhah but seriously, 1 year? awesome! congrats and thank you so much for this! keep on keepin on!

  28. Amazing giveaway, thank you!! I love anything that has to do with Halloween or fall especially all the beautiful colors. I most excited for the indie lot. I'm loving the variety of different glitters. Loving the Sonoma label.

  29. Fall is all about the warm clothes and warm food

  30. I'm excited for all of them.
    I'm not a huge Halloween fan but I love all the fall colors & flavors.

  31. Lost of stufs you can't get here, and I love Halloween!
    Thank you!

  32. Now I forget what #'s I said I prefered - they are all super duper great and I would be happy with any of them!! Congrats on your milestones, can't wait until I get there!! My favorite thing about fall is the cooler weather, I don't like extreme heat, so when it cools down, I'm all in!!

  33. I love Halloween. I love givaways. This is amazing!!!

  34. So, so nice of you to do that giveaway! Thats awsome.

  35. the Crows Toes makes me excited! Fall...i love the first snow, my Libra friends, and the leaves. best time of year!

  36. #1 is my favorite :) I like the cooler, but not too cold weather, and all I really do for Halloween anymore is watch scary movies. But I like eating the leftover candy :)

  37. I'm most excited about the Dollish Polish or the set of indie polishes! They're all really gorgeous. Thank you for such an amazing giveaway.

  38. most excited about the glow in the dark opi minis. Love the cooler weather in the fall.

  39. Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for this one as I love the look of these Dollish Polish creations! I also love Hallow'een; bring on the lanterns :)

  40. The indie set! It looks awesome. :) What I love most about Fall ... probably the colours in the woods, the calmness of the nature and the cooler temperatures.

  41. Lovely! I like to get some oversees nailpolishes since there is a small change I will leave the European Union. (money isues). Really like to win something!

    Can't help it but I'm in love with the pumpkin polishes. even though they are my second choice. Sometime I just wished that we did more about Halloween in Europe. Because I'd love to get children at the door all dressed up trying to scare me.

    Only good thing about fall for me is that it's soon going to be winter and hopefully snow...(not in march)

  42. I am torn between the second and third prizes, lol. They are all so awesome! My favorite thing about Halloween is stealing candy from my kids O.o

  43. I'm most excited about prize #2 cause i love the colors of those glitter nail polishes,they are so gorgeous lol :P Also,my favorite thing about fall would of course be the cool fall fashions and stuffs :D

  44. Great giveaway and congrats on your milestones! I am excited for the chance to win the Dollish collection, I have none of those. I love the cooler weather of fall and watching all the little children on Halloween in their cute costumes.

  45. Congrats on 400!!! Very cool!! Prize Pack 3 is the one that has me salivating! Favorite thing about fall? Sock and hoodies, hot soup and rainy days, crunchy leaves and low fog.

  46. Definitely number one. I live china glaze but I haven't tried opi!

    I like Autumn because of the nail polish! They always get a load of brilliant sets out for Christmas and it's a sin against Santa not to buy them ;)

  47. My favourite thing about Halloween is Jack O'Lanterns! I love carving them :)
    Awesome giveaway, thank you, and congrats on all your milestones!

    Jesss xo

  48. I'm most excited about prize 3...I NEED some indies, but I don't like bar glitters, so those are out for me. I love the weather most about fall!

  49. I would love to win the dollish Polish ones!!

    I love Autumn for the rich shades and I love halloween, getting my daughter dressed up for trick-or-treating is so much fun.

  50. prize 2! I love seeing which costume my son picks out for halloween and him sharing his candy with me!

  51. I am excited by the PRIZE #5 because of the vintage SH!!!

  52. 1º is my favourite, I love th Opi glow in the dark collection! My fav thing.. CANDYS!

  53. Ooh China Glaze! I love making jack-o-lanterns! Last year I made a Disney princess one and a GT Buzz one!

  54. I'm most excited for #1 and #2. My favorite thing about fall is the weather. My favorite thing about Halloween is decorating and dressing up! So much fun!

  55. Fall = beautiful yellow, red, green etc. leaves! That's why I like it. The prizes are all so cool, but I'd love to win Dollish Polish glitters the most :)

  56. Thanks for hosting this amaaazing giveaway!!
    Prize 2 or 3 are my favs. I'm a spring and summer person, but nature has beautiful colors in October :)

  57. check overallbeauty- Frog's Breath in stock

  58. Thanks for a great giveaway! My favorite things about Fall are the colors and Thanksgiving. I love planning the feast and sharing it with family and friends.

  59. I'm most excited about the Sally Hansen vintage glitters, they look absolutely fabulous!
    We don't celebrate Halloween here, but the main thing I like about fall is the colours of the trees, all red, orange and yellow!

  60. I`m super excited about the first prize! As I love nail art, my favourite thing this month are the variety of decorations I can paint on my nails :)))

  61. I don't have any of the above, but most of all I'd like to win PRIZE #1 - 3 China Glaze 2012 Halloween polishes and OPI Glow Out For Halloween Minis. Great prizes, thanks for the giveaway!

    And what I love the most in autumn is its colours, that's for sure, but actually I still can't let summer go..

  62. The candy! And the spooky decorations - so much fun!

  63. I think I would be most excited about Prize number 1 because of BooBerry! That one is so HTF!!
    And I love fall, and halloween.. my favourite part of fall is when the leaves change and my favourite part about halloween is that i get to dress like a superhero and no one can say anything for the whole day :)

  64. These all look amazing but I think Dollish Polish is really catching my eye! My favorite thing about fall is all the yummy pumpkin flavored goodness everywhere, football and cuddling up with my pups and hubby to stay warm!

  65. um, HOLY F WHAT AN AWESOME GIVEAWAY. My favorite prize is the Dollish Polish :DDDDD I like the other indies, too. AND everything in prize #1... and basically all the prizes are just great. My favorite thing about fall is bonfires, cuddling in hoodies, fall fashion, the colors of the leaves in the mountains, and all the decor. Plus the food that is nomz. Congrats on such a milestone! Really hope I win :) :fingers crossed:

  66. I'm really excited about the Dollish Polish one! I love the colors during fall <3

  67. I'm really excited about the chance to win the various indie brands - I've not tried an indie yet!

    Favourite thing about Halloween is dressing up :D I love it.

  68. Prize number 3 looks yummy :) Sadly we don't celebrate Halloween here in Europe, but I still love fall, cold weather, fog, leaves... favourite season :)

  69. I am most excited about the Dollish Polishes because I have been coveting Dollish Polish for AGES and The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my very favorite movies. My favorite part of fall is that my birthday is right before Halloween, so I associate both awesome days as one big awesome event.

  70. What a mile stone!! Congrats, Jacqui! Your blog is amazing :) I think the one thing about Fall I'm excited for is the weather and being able to layer clothing items!

  71. The weather, the excitement leading up to Halloween, planning costumes and parties, hot chocolate, leaves turning different colours and crunching on them, cosy knits and my birthday!

  72. I'm really excited about the Indie prize pack - they are gorgeous!! My favorite thing about Halloween/fall is EVERYTHING - literally my favorite time of year. I love the scary movies, mulled cider, changing leaves, stormy weather etc!! :] Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. Woop Woop! Congrats for all your milestones, that's awesome! I am excited for fall treats (baking, warm drinks, STARBUCKKKS) and I love all your vintage polishes.

  74. The first prize pack is my favorite - I like the China Glaze polishes. My favorite thing about Halloween is the candy!

  75. This is an amazing giveaway! Thanks!

  76. WAHAYY! AWESOMENESS! this is the single most amazing giveaway that I have ever seen! wow - I would so love to own the indie set.. <3 please please please! and I LOVE most - the cold weather, just so we can snuggle up and get warm again, hot chocolate and big warm coats! Fall colours! Wellies! FUR COATS! Dressing up for Halloween! ahhh so much I love about this time of year... oooh and candy toffee apples.. :) oh and stocking up on sweets for the trick or treaters and then eating most of them myself! <3 lol
    Thanks once again for the competition! and congratulations! <3 xxx

  77. Love all the halloween holiday glitters! My fave prize I choose because the indie labels are fun and seasonal. Prize #3 just seems fun to wear. But I really want to try the glow in the dark, I have a feeling i will be buying it myself before the contest is even close to over.

  78. Great giveaway! Leaves of different colours would be my favourite thing about fall.

  79. Love the Dollish polishes but I'd be happy to win any of the prizes! They are all great! So excited for everything Halloween especially watching a bunch of scary movies!

  80. I am most excited about prize number one because I have been wanting that OPI mini set for a long time. I like crunch leaves and crisp air, the best thing about fall. :D

  81. all of them .u did a good job picking out the prizes .since i dont own any polish from dollish polish ,excited for everything about fall .especially halloween

  82. My favorite thing about Halloween is costumesdressingupcandyfalldecoratingcutenailideasandIdon'loveiknowIloveitall! :)

  83. My favorite thing about Halloween is all the gorgeous nail polishes that come out to play! And the giveaway prize that has me drooling is the OPI minis, followed by the Sally Hansens.

  84. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, your 400 followers, and 100 posts! Than you so much for the wonderful prizes! :-)
    I'm most excited about China Glaze/OPI prize! And I think my favorite thing about Halloween is seeing all the little kids dressed up in their cute costumes. :-)

    ~ Yun

  85. I've heard so many great things about Dollish Polish and would love to try it out. :-)

    What I love about Fall is the coolness of the air, the serenity and peace before the business of the holidays really take off. :-)

  86. Omg, I would love to win those Indie glitters! Thank you so much Jacqui <3 I love opening the door and seeing scary little children in costumes hahaha

  87. GAH HALLOWEEN! I love it! I love the seasons changing, and pumpkin scented things.. the fair, caramel apples, crunchy leaves, dressing up as something fun.. all of it. It's awesome!

    And I'm most excited about prize #5!

  88. Wow! This is amazing. Thank you for such an amazing giveaway. I'm excited with Prize# 1.

  89. Wonderful giveaway!! I love all the prizes!! They're all exciting!! And my favorite thing about Autumn is pumpkins!!! And I just love the crisp cool air and all the awesome scary decorations! <3

  90. Prize number 1 would be my favorite if I really have to choose, but I like them all so much !!!

  91. prize one looks amazing!! i love the crisp fall air, the pumpkin food, and of course halloween! i have always loved dressing up and its the one day a year you can dress up as anything and walk around in public and not get weird looks! also, new degrassi this month! ahhhhh so excited!

  92. I'm pretty excited about those China Glaze polishes & the Dolish Polish! I am looking forward to bonfires, chilly weather, and halloween! I love it all.

  93. Thanks for the giveaways. I'm most excited about the awesome indies! My favourite part of Halloween is dressing up!

  94. Ooh Crowes Toes and Dolly Polish!!! <3

  95. I love all of the prizes! It's so hard to pick a favorite, but I think the Dolish polish might just be it.

  96. I'm really excited about prize 1 and the dollish pollish one!! I loove trick or treating and being able to dress up! :)

  97. Awesome giveaway! Thank you for doing it! :)

    I'm most excited for Prize #1, and I think I'm looking forward to all the candy for Halloween - om nom nom! ;D

  98. Jacqui - what a cracker of a giveaway for your first one!! AMAZING!! I have wanted Dollish Polishes for ages - I'd love to win those ones. Halloween is a non event in Aus :( so I would have to say my favourite thing about Autumn is the weather - it's the best combination of mild mornings and evenings and amazing warm days!!

  99. Awesome giveaway! Most excited for #1 and i love the fall weather

  100. OMG Love the indie polishes up for grabs!

  101. Christmas in October!!!! Fabulous giveaway!

  102. I'm in love with the indie Halloween polishes are my absolute fave. Costumes, scary movies, shorter days, crisp weather, apple picking, lotsa candy. What's not to love about Halloween? :)

  103. In love in 3 China Glaze 2012 Halloween polishes and OPI Glow Out For Halloween Minis

  104. I'm most excited for the Dollish polishes bc I don't own any indies! My fave thing about Halloween is seeing and thinking up Halloween nails!

  105. Super excited about those indie Halloween polishes! I would love to try the CrowsToes one!

  106. I like prize number one for the opi set. Looking forward to cooler weather even if it was 100 degrees here yesterday.

  107. Congrats girly!!! What an amazing giveaway! I'd looooove The Dollish Polish! I have to sayt that usually the onl things I enjoy about fall is halloween and salted caramel and pumpkin everything, except this year I have to admit that after the extreme heat we had I'm glad it's fall! =)

  108. Thanks for the amazing giveaway! I love everything about Fall, but my favorite things about Fall are Halloween and how everything either tastes like pumpkin or is scented like pumpkin.

  109. I love prize 2... My favorite is Halloween because of the costumes.

  110. To be honest I want all of them, haha. Buuuut if I had to choose it'd be prize 1, gotta love OPI and China Glaze. I'm planning to do my own giveaway soon - this one seems to have been successful!

  111. I am most excited to win the Dollish Polishes as I have yet to own one and the thing I love most about Halloween is seeing cute little babies in costumes! Costumes are so cute when they're made for little people ;-)

  112. Happy Blogaversary! What a milestone! Congrats and wishing you continued success and pretty mani's :)

  113. I love all the prizes! And my favorite thing about fall is the weather, and I love the halloween decorations. I wish more people decorated.

  114. Very excited about the first prize! Thank you for this giveaway! I love the colours of the changing leaves during fall season :)

  115. I'm excited about the OPIs... And I love the costumes about halloween... :)

  116. I love the 5th prize the best ... the thing about halloween i like the most is you can wear black nail polish and nobody can give you dirty looks ;)

  117. Oh my what an awesome giveaway!! I'm dying for some new indies, I'd love those.

  118. Whoa SUCH a great give away! I'm excited about the indies! I stopped stalking them so not to be tempted only to not be able to get my hands on them so.. YAY here's an opportunity.

    And my fave thing about Halloween is seeing all the kiddos dressed up. And haunted mazes, or corn mazes in general. And pumpkin patches. And everything else because I adore fall and Halloween :P

  119. I have to win the Sonoma Nail Art polish, because my husband's name is Robert. :) I love carving pumpkins for Halloween, and also decorating.

  120. Thanks for hosting this! I would love to win the dollish polishes! I love autumn i love being able to walk through crunchy leaves with my doggie!

  121. LOVE the OPI prize; I love the fact in fall it means cosy knits and dark nails xxx

  122. I'd to win prize Nr. 4!

    We don't celebrate Haloween here...

  123. very excited about prize number 3 its hard to get indies in the UK love Halloween & Fall as im a sucker for dressing my boys up and taking them trick or treating

  124. All of the indies:) My favorite thing about Halloween is Hocus Pocus!!!! I ♥ that movie!!!!


  126. costumes!! and 4 DOLLISH POLISH HALLOWEEN POLISHES!! :D

  127. i'm most excited about china glaze and opi polishes :D
    love halloween, it's great nail art inspiration... i love the rain, colder days, the richness of autumn fruits, the colors of twilight... i just love the autumn, it's my favorite season :D

  128. Sooooo excited for glow in the dark polishes! I LOVE THEM!! Thanks for doing this!!

  129. I LOVE all of these prizes! Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)

  130. I love all the prices!! Love the China Glaze, and the indie's, but also the Sally Hansen and the Fantasy Makers :) I can't buy them where I live :(

  131. Thank for for the great giveaway and congrats on the milestones! All the prizes are great, but I am most excited about the Dollish Polish. I love all the new fall collections and of course, Halloween! :)

  132. I love them all but I think #5 for the vintage Sally Hansens!

    I love Halloween!! This year will be my 5th Annual pumpkin carving party!

    Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into your blog!

  133. what a great giveaway and congratulationss!!
    Im most excited about the China glaze & opis en what i love about halloween is trick or treat!

  134. I'm most excited about prize #3! It contains MY favorite part of Halloween and fall,actually, the colors!

  135. All the black light and gow in dark polish is great! I love halloween themed nails!

  136. Dollish Polish!!! Love, love, love!
    Halloween is not very popular here in Portugal...But about the fall i love the fall colors and the temperatures decreasing... and drinking tea at night :D

  137. I love the China Glaze!
    The thing I like the most here in Portugal in Haloween is seeing the children in the street asking for candys!

  138. I love all the indies, I love fall because the weather is cooling down from the hot weather in Florida :)

  139. Such an awesome giveaway, Jacqui! I'm most excited about the vintage Sally Hansens! I looooove watching horror movies in the fall! And taking nighttime walks with the bf :]

  140. I´m most excited about price 4 =D
    I love the coolest weather in fall and the colors, the clothes..


  141. I like the dollish polish prize, and the indie the most. And I absolutely love fall, it's my favourite season.. everything pumpkin flavoured, and thanksgiving. I love it.

  142. Oops something went wrong and I think I didn't register my facebook name. So this is just to say that I Like the facebook page and my name in facebook is oohladybegood =)

  143. I love fall and especially October because the weather starts getting cooler here on the Gulf Coast and my birthday is in October! I take off the week of my birthday and just enjoy it all:-)

    I'm most excited about price #3, because I love indie polishes and have not tried any of those!

  144. My favourite thing about Halloween is dressing up! I love slipping out of my boring everyday clothes and becoming a totally different character.
    I like the Indie and the China glaze the most.

    Thanks for having this contest.

  145. I'm most excited about the dollish polishes but also the OPI minis.
    Fall is my favorite season. I love the weather, the changing colors of the leave, the clothes, Halloween. It's the best.

  146. Amazing Giveaway!!! Thank you!!! I'm really excited about Dollish Polishes!!!! \o/

  147. I would love to get my hands on some indie polishes! I love fall because of the cooler weather and the homey feel it inspires. :)

  148. After a very hot summer, fall arrives with breeze, soft textures and the amazing fall colors..about halloween ....well, mainky the pumpkins and sweets for the kids!!!

  149. I would super love to try the indie polishes! I've never tryed any before!

    Jazz x

  150. The prize!!!! almost forgot!!! Absolutely the indies!!

  151. I have a hard time finding China Glaze so I love the first prize pack. The Dollish Polish is awesome too. I'd love any of them though!

  152. The first prize! I love the OPI collection :)
    well, my birthsay is in the fall and close to Halloween, so i would say that's what i'm most excited about!

  153. Hello, I'd be most excited about winning the China Glaze polishes, the colours look amazing and I love China Glaze! I love Halloween when all the little kiddy winkies come round the street, all dressed up and being very scary, I love it!

  154. Most excited for number 1! The most exciting thing for Halloween for me is .. the start of the warm weather! Sounds silly, but being from the southern hemisphere, we're going into summer, and Halloween is only just becoming a thing here so i've never really gotten into it all, so really, most excited for the weather!

  155. WoW!! Amazing giveaway and congratulations for all your celebrations!! I am interested on the indie polishes because I don't have any!! And my favourite thing about fall is the rain and the weather that starts to get colder!!

  156. I'm so sorry!! I just made the blogroll entries but I don't have blogroll!!! I clicked on the wrong place and I thought it was the Sidebar!! I'm sorry!!!

  157. Shame on me!!! ¬¬u I also deleted my tweet about you giveaway, the link is this one:

  158. Amazing giveaway with a lot of wonderful nail polishes!!
    I want to try the indie polishes of the prize 3.
    My favourite thing about fall is cover myself with the blanket when it starts to get cold. It's so nice!!

    Thanks and congratulations!!

  159. awesome giveaway!!! the prizes are stunning!! my favourite thing to do at fall is to grab a good book and reading while outside is windy or rainny or both :) congratulations on your blogaversary!!

  160. I1m most excited about the glow-in-the-dark OPIs *_*
    I love about fall drinking hot delicious fruity tea or hot chocolate with different lovely favours like cherry or bananas,peanuts whipped cream on top *_* yuuummmmm


  161. I'm most excited for Prize number 2 because I had been looking at the Dollish Polish Halloween set but I couldn't afford it because I'm a college student! :(

  162. I'm most excited about Prize #1. I like to try China Glaze and Opi nail polishes as here they are so pricey and difficult to find :)

    What I like most of fall... Fall is my absolute favourite season of the year. I like the colors, the wheather and the smelling of the air when I walk through the trees on the park...

  163. I'm most excited for the OPI minis =)

    My fav fall thing is to sit by the fire, drink tea and eat cookies...with my loved ones =)

  164. Definitely most excited for the China Glazes, Immortal is simply calling my name...

    I love Halloween because it means it's finally fall! I'm so done with warm weather.

  165. I'm most excited for the number 1 prize pack and also the 5th one, because I've never tried glow in the dark nail polish and I've always loved everything that glows in the dark since I was a child so I still have a lot of glow in the dark stars on the wall in my room and I am 20 now :D

  166. I am most excited about the assorted indies! And the best thing about Halloween is getting to dress up in costume!! I usually have my costume decided by August so I have plenty of time to prepare!!

  167. I am most excited about prize package #1! I wanted that OPI set when it came out; but Trade Secret sold out... I could have ordered it; but I didn't :(
    Halloween is my favorite Holiday; I love the feel and crispness in the air! There is something magical about this time of year. It's just AWESOME!!!!
    Thanks for the Giveaway!!!!

  168. i'm most excited about the Dollish Polish Nightmare Before Xmas collection polishes in prize #2!! i wanted these soo bad but i'm broke. :/ n i think they're sold out now. i just love fall and Halloween, i wish every month was like October and every day was like Halloween lol.

  169. I'm most excited about prize 3 because it's 4 different brands I've never had a chance to try :D My favorite thing about Halloween is that it's in the favorite season next to winter :D I love the colors and the temperature and most importantly...the FOOD, haha.

  170. Love the color of the leaves and the chilly weather. Very cool giveaway!

  171. Kb shimmer jack looks great! Favorite about fall is color changing leaves in mountains ! Great giveaway!

  172. 3 is my favorite! I am a sucker for glitter :) My favorite this about fall is the colors. From the colors of fashion and beauty trends to the colors of the changing landscape, I love it all!

  173. I have never owned any indie polishes, so I am really excited about those. The best part about Halloween is the costumes. I can let my dark side out without anyone looking at me funny.

  174. I would love to own any Dollish Polishes!! The glitters are fantastic :) The best thing about fall is the weather, Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash and yummy candy corn!

  175. I love the PRIZE #4 and my favorite thing about fall is the mild weather) I love that its not cold yet)

  176. Lovely Giveaway... good luck to all

  177. The China Glaze set is my favourite!!
    I love Vamp looks for halloween!

  178. I am definitely looking forward to prize 2, I have never tried any indie nail polishes before and these look amazing!! My favourite thing about fall is Halloween!! its is my favorite holiday of the year, when else can you get dressed up in scary costumes, silly makeup, decorated your house in skeletons and eat loads of sweets!! :D Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

  179. Prize one looks great, would love the OPI mini set :) My favourite thing about autumn (or fall...) is probably having the first fire of the season curled up on the sofa, and painting my nails a nice dark vampy colour!

  180. Prize 5 seems GREAT! Especially the glow in the dark topcoat!! My favorite thing about fall is definitely the weather! By the way, great giveaway!!

  181. Thanks a lot for this amazing giveaway!!!!
    I'm most excited for the Vintage Sally Hansen and about the fall,I like it very much because the temperatures aren't so high, but we'll have it only next year ´cause we are on Spring where i live!

  182. I love the OPI minis... thanks for the giveaway!!My favorite in Halloween is the costume because they are really scary...

  183. I'm lemming for prize #1--CG Cast a Spell looks gorgeous (at least in the bottle!).

    My favorite thing about fall is definitely the cooler weather, but the change from brights colors (which I feel I can't always pull off) to more muted "fall colors" doesn't hurt, either!

  184. I've never had tried glow in the dark nail polish, so I'd really like to try some. The best thing about fall for me is that my birthday is in November:)

  185. Thank you for great giveaway!

    I love fall colors and its sad inspiration!

    Thank you for the chance!


  186. What an incredible giveaway WOW!

  187. I'm most excited about the VARIOUS INDIE BRAND HALLOWEEN POLISHES and glow in the dark polishes by opi.

    As for Halloween I can't wait to scare people and giving out candy ;)

  188. i would love to win the indie brand prize! and i think i love halloween because is very fun to paint manicures with that theme and i love fall colors and weather!!

  189. I like #4 most because the colors are awesome and with little one fast dry is always a plus. I love fall because the weather cools off, the trees are colorful, pumpkin is in season and my birthday an halloween are in fall.

  190. The China Glaze set is my favourite ^^

    for halloween i love monster look
    Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  191. WoW that's a giveaway! I am probably most excited about those vintage Sally Hansen's - I've been looking for them forever!! :D

    I love fall for all those corny reasons - the air getting crisp, wading through the crunchy leaves, getting to carve pumpkins, that kinda stuff! ;)

  192. I'm excited about the first pack I don't have any CG or OPI! I love halloween costume!


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