
Friday, May 24, 2013

A Very Belated Fug Friday - Revlon Streetwear Moody a.k.a The Single Ugliest Nail Polish in the History of Everything

Hey guys and gals! I'm back today with another post, can you believe it?! I know, I know. Anyway, today's post is one that I was supposed to do many moons ago that never happened and I wanted to make good on my promise, so here I am! It is the return of Fug Friday with my friend Rach over at stuff i (s)watched! It's quite fitting that I am posting this today, in fact, because the weather here in Cleveland is pretty fug itself. Cold, grey, wet - definitely not a good start to Memorial Day Weekend. A fug polish for a fug day! And don't forget to check out Rachel's most recent Fug Friday post here: stuff i (s)watched - Fug Friday!

Rach and I decided to do a series of Fug Friday posts after discussing one day how much we loved polish that isn't conventionally good looking. The ugly duckling polishes, one might say. The guideline for our Fug Friday is basically this: does it resemble a bodily secretion? If yes, it makes the Fug Friday cut! There's nothing better than a baby poop brown or puke green polish to start the day off right, am I right? But seriously, I am all for polishes that go beyond the realm of the usual pretty, bright, sparkly, glittery polishes that are all the rage these days. Give me a drab mustard yellow polish over pink sparkles any day.

The vintage lover that I am, I figured why not kill two birds with one stone. Today I present to you Revlon Streetwear Moody. Here's the thing about Moody - it is quite possibly the ugliest polish I have ever laid eyes on in my entire life. It doesn't have that whole ugly-pretty thing going on and not even a face that a mother would love. It's horrendous. I don't see how anyone in their right mind could like this polish. I tried, I really did. I mean, it has this whole 90's grunge vibe going for it so it can't be too bad, right? WRONG. IT'S ALL WRONG.

Moody has a brown sheer base (yes, it's as awful as it sounds) with light blue shimmer. The base is so sheer than it lends a nice yellow cast to the nail. And that's what everyone wants, right? A nice yellow nail! Um, no thank you! Since I've significantly slowed down with the nail blogging these days, my nails actually spend a fair amount of time naked. My nails no longer have that yellow tinge to them that I would get after wearing nail polish all the time. Yes, my nails are white! And this polish makes them look like I have some sort of exotic fungus. Delish. A friend on Twitter once compared this polish to "radioactive bong water" and I couldn't agree more.

I hereby present to you the ugliest polish on Earth, Revlon Streetwear Moody. This is 4 painstaking coats of a truly horrendously formulated polish. It was runny, it never dried and it quite literally, looks like poo. Please forgive the photography skills kiddos, I'm still not back on my nail blogging mojo. Anyways, here you go! Don't blame me if you feel a little queasy afterwards. Consider this your warning!

Come on guys. Tell me how ugly this is! I can take it =)

Talk to you guys soon <3


  1. It's not that bad at all. The only thing that would put me off is the formula and the drying time (or lack there of)

  2. I think I actually used to own this! And is not a pretty polish.

  3. YES! The radioactive bong water!!! This is the epitome of fug polishes...I remember this one vividly.

  4. Bahaha! I have this one and I don't think I've swatched it yet!

  5. Omigosh, radioactive bong water is right! I could conceivably see this layered over a tan or something to add some shimmer, but as it Just no. >_<

  6. omg I'm so happy to see your blog come to life again :D
    I really do like the shimmer in this...too bad the polish as a whole looks a bit

  7. Oooh, I like it, shame it took four coats, even with that and the drying time I'm still adding it to my list of polishes to keep an eye out for. :-)

  8. Try it over black with Seche Vite ;) if you don't like it I would be more than happy to add it to my Street Wear collection :)

  9. I kind of love it, honestly. But I'm also a fan of the fug. :)

  10. This post is awesome! And yay Street Wear!

  11. I sort of like it in the 4th photo hahaha. It might be nice over another color.

  12. Well, you're totally rocking the "exotic fungus" look but yea... It is rather fugly on it's own.

  13. I kinda like the shimmer in this, that's about it.

  14. I think it actually looks fab, Id wear it lol x

    prevera reviews

  15. Haha, I like this post :P. And I agree with you, it's not a very nice polish.

  16. I like it!I see a shimmery pale blue green!??

  17. wow what a lovely nail polish, looks absolutely incredible i like this type of nail polish


  18. this is cool, I have a nail polish collection in my store as well.


  19. I don't think it's the ugliest nail polish I've ever seen! Actually I quite like the iridescence of it! :)

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