
Friday, April 6, 2012

Pastel Water Marble

Hi friends!!! Long time no see =) I had a bad break on one of my nails this week so I wanted to let it grow out a bit before I subjected you to my nubs! Luckily, my nails grow like weeds so it only took a few days to get back to normal.

Since Easter weekend is upon us, I wanted to do a fun, spring-y manicure for you all today. I decided to do a water marble with some of my favorite pastel colors and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out! I used China Glaze Lemon Fizz, Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lacey Lilac and Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Mint Sorbet. The last water marble I did, a lot of people commented on how bright it was. That was because I always do my marbles on a white background. This helps the colors show up a lot better, since when the colors spread out on the water they become more sheer.

The one thing I don't like about water marbles (or nail art in general) is I can never seem to clean up my cuticles the way I would with a normal manicure. There always seems to be some sort of polish left behind, and no matter how much I scrub with my clean-up brush, they never seem to come completely clean. And then, my cuticles look wrecked from all the scrubbing I have done. Yuck! If anyone has any tips on how to clean up nail art better, please let me know =)

Anyways, here is my pastel water marble with Lemon Fizz, Lacey Lilac and Mint Sorbet. I did two colors of Wet n Wild French White Creme underneath and then did the marble on top of that. Please forgive the dryness, I swear it doesn't look that bad in real life =) Enjoy!!

What's your favorite spring manicure?


  1. That is really really pretty. I just don't have the patience for water marbles, but this is one of the first ones I have seen which has tempted me! It's just adorable. And your cuticles don't look so bad, you don't want to see mine and I have no excuse! :-) xx

    1. Awww thanks so much! Water marbles definitely take patience but I think it's worth it!

  2. I'm so jelaous your nails grow quick, mine take weeks :-P super cute water marble

    1. LOL it actually annoys me that my nails grow so quickly, I have to file them every single day or they get wonky. We always want what we can't have, I suppose =)

  3. I love the color combination, very adorable and bright! Plus I love how the colour stripes positioned in the marble. :) Lovely manicure.

    1. Thanks so much Ulmiel!! This is one of my favorite marbles =)

  4. Very pretty water marble!!

  5. That is so pretty! I have yet to try a water marble!

    1. Thanks! They take a bit of time getting used to but once you get the hang of it, it's easy as pie =)

  6. Very pretty color combination! This is so Easter!

    1. Thanks so much!!! It definitely is very Easter-y indeed =)

  7. So nice, I really like how the colors go together so well.

  8. Hello! I'm just discovering your blog.
    This water marble is so cute, and the colors are perfect for spring. I wish I could succeed in water marbling this way, bit I always fail and end up with my fingers stained with polish :(

    1. Thank you so much!!! I put tape around my nails to help with clean-up =)

  9. I love this!! A tip with regard to your cuticles: if you use liquid rubber/latex on them before you start painting, it protects your cuticles and polish doesn't attach to your skin there. When you're done, you can just pull off the stroke of rubber and be done with it.:) I got it from my hobby supply store for cheap, but I discovered it online where it is sold (way more expensive) in a pen called 'Liquid Palisade'. Hope this helps!

    1. Oh my gosh, this might be the best tip I've ever gotten!!! Thank you so much, I am definitely going to try that next time!!!

  10. Three things:

    1. This is what my water marbles want to be and never manage--simply beautiful.

    2. How did the birthday party go?

    3. I paint around my cuticles and under my nail tips with petroleum jelly before water marbling and it wipes right off when the polish on my nails has dried.

    1. Awww thanks so much! The birthday party was great! The cupcakes were a hit and most importantly, hubby loved them =) Good idea with the petroleum jelly, I'll definitely keep that in mind!

  11. Very cute, and perfect for Easter. Whenever I try to water marble, I just end up with a mess, nothing close to how yours turned out.

    1. Thanks so much! Practice definitely makes perfect with water marbles, plus there are some really good tutorials on youtube that really helped me as well!

  12. Gorgeous water marble! I really need to try water marbling!

    1. Thanks girl! You definitely need to try it out, it's addicting =)

  13. this is a PERFECT water marble!!!! I love the colors, the came out perfectly!!! perfect for easter, for spring. Jealous, i want a water marble that perfect :)

  14. Thanks so much Jenny! I like how it turned out too =)

  15. Your water marbling always blows my mind! Perfect for Easter indeed!!!! I love the outcome - it screams Spring! Your cleanup looks good to me :) hope you & Remy have a great holiday <3

    1. Thanks girly!!! Too bad I am wearing FX Flash on Easter, lol =)

  16. This is so pretty! You're making me want to try the marbling. I will have to look through your blog for other marbling pics and tips.

    1. Thanks so much! I've only done a few other marbles so I don't really have too many tips, but definitely check out SimpleLittlePleasures on youtube, she has the most amazing water marbles and gives great tips!

  17. Wooow this is gorgeous, those colors look so good together! I've got to try water marbling, may have to copy you by using pastels!

    1. Thanks so much!! Definitely try it with pastels! I find pastels a tad boring on their own but when their marbled together, I love them!

  18. Very pretty! How long does it take to do a water marble? I've been too intimidated to try yet.

    1. Thank you! It really doesn't take too long, maybe about 3 minutes per nail?

  19. love the marble. mines always get mess up!

    1. Thank you! Check out SimpleLittlePleasures on youtube, she has some awesome tips on water marbling!

  20. Dude these are awesome! Am always in awe of people who marble! These colors are amazing together!

  21. These are amazing and REALLY well done! My marbles always look horrific.


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