
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Retro Sunday Squared - Vintage Revlon Streetwear

Hi and Happy Easter everyone!!! As I see all these beautiful Easter manicures on my dash today, I bring you two very non-Easter manis =) Dana and I decided to showcase some old Revlon Streetwear polishes for you all today, so don't forget to check out her awesome Streetwears over at Polished Claws Up, as she has some fantastic ones in store for you on this edition of Retro Sunday Sqaured!

I was super excited to do this post today, because Streetwear polishes are probably some of my favorite vintage polishes that I own. Revlon introduced the Streetwear line sometime around '96-'97 as a response to the Hard Candy and Urban Decay nail polish lines that were taking the beauty world by storm. In my opinion, it turns out that Streetwear far surpassed both of those lines in terms of innovation and pure awesomeness in colors. The two polishes that I chose to show you today are probably two of the most unique in my stash and have been yet to be duped by any polish line to date. 

First on up is Streetwear Black Widow. I was going to save this polish for around Halloween, but I couldn't resist swatching it today! Black Widow is a glitter polish that has black and silver microglitter and black bar glitter in a clear base. Streetwear was famous for its use of bar glitter and this one is one of the best bar glitters they did! The black bar glitter reminds me of spider legs, it's so creepy and grungy. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's so evocative of the 90's and I am absolutely love with it. I can see my 90's self rocking Black Widow with a mini skirt and some combat boots.

For these pictures, I layered 2 coats of Streetwear Black Widow over one coat of Essence I Wear My Flying Goggles at Night, which is a greyish-taupe creme. I love the way the black and silver glitters stand out against the taupe background. Enjoy!

Next up is probably one of my top 5 polishes in all of my stash, Streetwear FX Flash (green version). FX Flash (green version) is a glitter polish that contains green-gold-blue color shifting glitter and black microglitter in a clear base. FX Flash is probably one of the first polishes that contained color shift glitter. Both the green and blue versions of FX Flash contain color shifting glitter, but the glitter in the green version is positively out of this world! The glitter shifts from green to gold to blue, and it is effing phenomenal. Truly amazing. 

I layered 2 coats of Streetwear FX Flash over a coat of Wet n Wild Black Creme here. I originally was going to layer it over a dark teal to show you the black microglitter in the polish, but let's be honest, the color shift glitter is the star in this polish and it looks the best over black. In most lighting situations, you can only really see the green and gold facets of the glitter, but I was able to get a few shots in low-light that showcased the blue flash as well. Oh and sorry for the blurry pictures, I seriously took like 100 pics and they were all blurry and gross =( Hopefully you can still see the awesomeness that is Streetwear FX Flash!

Revlon Streetwear polishes are long discontinued, but still available on online shops such as eBay and blog sales. Both of these are pretty rare but do pop up from time to time, so keep your eyes peeled! Revlon Streetwear is actually still sold in stores in India, but the shades are much more mainstream and none of the old colors remain. I wish Revlon would bring this line back into stores and re-release all the awesome colors of the past! A girl can dream, right?

Thanks for stopping by for these very out-of-season manicures today! What do you all think? Do you own any vintage Streetwears? What are your favorite colors from this line? 


  1. Oh wow! Both of these polishes are gorgeous! Can see why they're favourites, they're exactly the type of polish I like; glitzy, dark and full of character :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, I love how you described them!!! Dark, glitzy and full of character - perfect description!

  2. wow freakin wee! these colours are absolutely amazing *why don't they make gorgeous polishes like these anymore* (sigh) Love that your showing them instead of those damn pastels.. All over my dash too! I cant stomach too many pastels!

    Thanks for the wonderful post! xx

    1. Yay, I'm so glad you liked them!!! I tire of pastels pretty quickly myself, was glad to switch to something a bit more fun today!

  3. Eeeekkkkk!!!!! I'm blown away beyond what I can express. Holy. Crap. Where do I start?! Black Widow, you WILL be mine one day! I WILL see to it! Awesome base color choice as well:) lol I think 90's Jacqui & Dana would both be totally rocking the mini skirts & combat boots- I love that we share the love for everything 90's!!!! FX- Jeff was looking over my shoulder when I read your post and he thought it was awesome too!!!! Mind blowing. In a serious way. Black was a fantastic choice for a base color. And no worries- your pics aren't too blurry at all! Amazing post!

    1. Glad you liked girly!!! Black Widow is so awesome, you will definitely own that bad boy one day! OMG can you imagine us back in the 90s? We'd drown ourselves in Bottled Emotion, slather some Lip Lix on and have a brand new Streetwear mani every damn day! lol. Yes, Remy likes the FX Flash too, it seems to be a boy friendly color =) Definitely a mind blowing polish.

  4. Omg I wish I could find my old streetwears!!!! I know I had flash. booo! Black Widow looks awesome over grey!

    1. Awwww I hate that!!! I only had a few Streetwears back in the day and I know I didn't have any glitters, but it would have been awesome if I had saved them!

  5. That green glitter is amazing! Wow!

    1. Isn't it?? They need to make that polish again!!

    2. We should write to them and demand it!! :)
      I've passed on the Blogger Appreciation Award to you because I like your blog - you can see more about it in the post I wrote about it here:

  6. FX Flash looks stunning! :)

  7. wow!!! both polishes are awesome!
    my favorite is the first one... it's so unique!

    1. Aren't they cool? Black Widow is so much fun, I don't have any polish quite like it in my stash!

  8. Alrighty Jacqui I'm gonna steal that FX Flash from you! You better watch out! ;p heehee! but in all seriousness its an AMAZING polish that I want so much. :)

  9. Wow, these are great vintage polishes. I have about 4 Revlon Streetwear polishes that I bought back then. I don't remember seeing these! At some point I will get around to swatching them.
    I think we should ask Revlon to bring back this line, at least in polish form! I was bummed when it was discontinued, I really liked it!

    1. That is so cool that you saved your old Streetwears from back in the day. Sadly, I purged all of my awesome 90's polishes after high school and I'm kicking myself for it now. I think we should all bombard Revlon with emails to bring back Streetwear polishes =) Lets do it!

  10. Wow those are both amazing! Especially FX Flash!

  11. Replies
    1. Isn't it so cool! I wish they would make this polish again!

  12. Ooooo those are so cool! I love seeing the retro polishes!

    1. Glad you like =) And I'm so glad that you like vintage polishes too, it's such a fun thing to collect!

  13. I've never heard of these polishes. So glad you shared them!
    I really LOVE the black glitter one!

    1. Yay, glad these were some new to you polishes!!! Black Widow is phenomenal...and it has been popping up on eBay pretty often lately =)

  14. At first I thought this was crack and I hate the crack but then I looked closer-still not for me but cool in its own way!

    1. LOL! I'm actually starting to get back into crack but I know what you mean =) It's definitely a unique polish for sure!!

  15. oh nuts i just purged my old streetwear the other day. it was one of my fav in the day but it was getting too thick n gloopy with thinner!

  16. Wow, lucky lucky you to have both of these in your stash!

  17. I thought the same thing when I looked at the pic of Black Widow first. It's kind of creepy to me, but I love it!!! Reminds me of spider webs. FX Flash is just gorgeous!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Massive polish envy on this post. Wow!

  20. I've tagged you for the Blogger Appreciation Award :)

  21. Woooow both of these are gorgeous but I am loving the color shift in Flash!!! *drooool*

  22. OMG these are awesome I would love to own some vintage polish like these

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