
Monday, August 20, 2012

Sally Hansen Hot Sauce and Cool It! Frost - Vintage Sally Hansen Week

Good morning my lovely readers! Being that it is vintage Sally Hansen week over here at The Scholarly Nail, I have more Sally Hansens for you all today! Try to contain your excitement =) As you probably know, Sally Hansen Hard as Nails polishes are some of my favorite vintage polishes in my entire stash so you are going to be seeing a lot of them this week! Being that these are vintage polishes, they came out somewhere between 1997-2000 and are no longer available in stores. I found these both on eBay for super cheap!


First up is Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Hot Sauce. Hot Sauce is an amazing bright red metallic with gold shimmer. The gold shimmer doesn't really show up on the nail but it definitely adds to the metallic effect. It took 3 coats for opacity, pretty standard for old non 3-free polishes. The formula was super easy to work with, it wasn't too runny or too thick and applied quite smoothly. This is one HOT!

So here is 3 coats of Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Hot Sauce!


Next up is Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Cool It! Frost. Now this is your classic 90's polish, a bright, metallic yellow with frosty, brushstroke-y goodness! I know how most people feel about brushstrokes but I actually don't mind them. In fact, I embrace them! I feel like brushstrokes help add light and dimension to these kinds of polishes and I wish they wouldn't get such a bad rap in the polish world. 

Cool It! Frost is shown with 3 coats here and you can still see a bit of VNL (visible nail line) in bright light, although it's not all that noticeable in real life. Application with these kind of frosty polishes can be a bit tricky because you want all the brushstrokes to run in straight lines. But honestly, it was worth the extra bit of effort because I am loving how bright and metallic Cool It! Frost is. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I am positively smitten with this polish!

Here is 3 coats of Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Cool It! Frost. 


So what did you all think? Did you like any of these? Hate Cool It! Frost as much as you thought you would? Do you have any vintage Sally Hansen polishes in your stash? Let me know and I will see you all tomorrow!


  1. LOVE Hot Sauce! And love the name, it's very fitting :)

    1. I love Hot Sauce too, and I agree, definitely the perfect name for it!!

  2. Hot sauce is sexy! I like the yellow one but not the frost.

  3. I love Cool It! Frost, but I am partial to yellow polishes :] I don't think it's terribly frosty. And Hot Sauce is sooo glowy!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one digging the Cool It Frost!!

  4. OHMG Hot Sauce is like it's glowing, it's one of those totally amazing reds,that you never forget...

  5. Both of these are so pretty! Hot Sauce is gorgeous, it looks like a Christmas tree ornament! I like Cool It! Frost too, but I like yellows so that's no surprise, haha :)

    1. Hot Sauce really does look like an x-mas tree ornament!! And I'm glad you like Cool It Frost too, I think it is such an awesome polish!

  6. These are awesome, I LOVE the red. They remind me of the a-England mythicals Perceval and Holy Grail, maybe these gorgeous colours inspired Adina?

    1. They definitely have that same glowy effect like the A Englands do!!

  7. I thought Cool It! Frost would be a frosty ice blue before i saw the pictures, but it is gorgeous!

    1. Yeah, the name definitely doesn't bring to mind a yellow color but it definitely is a stunning polish!

  8. These are both gorgeous! Of the two, I really like Hot Sauce!! It is stunning!

  9. love your vintage polishes.. hot sauce is awesome! :)

    1. I'm so glad you're enjoying the vintage stuff, there's lots more where that came from!

  10. Hot Sauce is a gorgeous red! And yes, someone else who doesn't mind and even like brushstrokes, just like me. I think the vertical brushstrokes, when done neatly, give the illusion of elongating the nails. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. I'm so glad there's someone else out there that doesn't mind brushstrokes, yay! I totally agree with you, they can help elongate the nail =)

  11. I hate my phone, it won't let me post comments! I haven't forgotten about you, promise! GAH. Hot Sauce is one of my top reds. EVER. Cool It! Frost. I am right there with ya, brushstrokes don't rub me the wrong way. Oh us vintage polish lovers!

    1. Haha no worries girl!! I'm glad there's still some of us out there who don't mind the brushstrokes. You gotta learn to embrace them when you're a vintage polish fan like us!

  12. I just read Jennifer's comment above mine. And she took the words right out of my mouth. Hot Sauce is for sure on fire!

  13. The shimmer in both of these is AMAZING! You have perfect nails -jealous-! :)

  14. I need that yellow in my life. So bright!!!

  15. I really like Hot Sauce! I liked it so much I bought a lot of two on ebay for 5 bucks :P (it was cheaper than buying the single polish haha)

    1. OMG that is so awesome!!! I hope you like it, I know I do!

  16. OMG, the Hot Sauce is just gorgeous!!! I love it

  17. Hot Sauce is great, but I am madly in love with Cool It! Frost. I too share your love for yellow frosts ... UGHHHHH this one looks beautiful, Jacqui!

    1. Thanks girl, I'm glad you like it! There's one up for sale on eBay right now for super cheap =)

  18. Loooove both! And I usually am not a yellow fan.

  19. These are gorgeous!!!

  20. Hi Jacqui! I am not the biggest fan of red, but Hot Sauce is gorgeous! That one is really glowy. Wow. Hot Sauce indeed!

    It made me smile to learn that you don't mind frosty polishes. I was a little taken aback when I learned that there was such hate for them. I have a nostalgic feeling for them now. I recently saw Drita on Mob Wives wearing frosty pink and I was fascinated by it, I had not seen anyone wearing something like that for a while.

    I think we are polish sisters, I love vintage polish so much also. I really wish I had some of the bottles from my grandmothers's dresser. I have her perfumes and that does make me happy.

    1. Hi there! Thanks for your comment! I'm glad to see someone else who loves vintage polishes =) That is awesome that you have some of your grandmas old perfumes, as perfume is my first love =) Do you have a blog? If so, I'd love to read it!


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