
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Twinkle and Pink Champagne Bar Glitters - Vintage Sally Hansen Week

Hello lovely readers, hope everyone's morning has been splendid so far! I have two vintage Sally Hansen Hard as Nails with Nylon bar glitters today! I know bar glitters are not everyone's cup of tea but they were all the rage back in the 90's and I would be remiss not to include them during my vintage Sally Hansen week.


First up in Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Twinkle. Twinkle is an iridescent bar glitter with little iridescent microglitters scattered throughout. I layered it over a base of Finger Paints Black Expressionism and as soon as Twinkle went on top I was just about knocked out with the AWESOME. The iridescent glitters that looked pink and baby blue in the bottle took turned out to be these fantastic color shifting glitters that shifted from orange to green to deep cerulean blue. Think Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure or Nubar 2010 in bar glitter form. It looks like I have a crazy game of Pac-Man happening on my nails, right? Obviously, I am in love with this glitter and I don't have anything else like this is my whole stash. A winner for sure!

Here is 1 coat of Sally Hansen Hard as Nails with Nylon Twinkle over Finger Paints Black Expressionism. I know a lot of the pictures look the same but if you look closely you can see how even the most subtle movement shifts the colors in the glitter!


Next up is Sally Hansen Hard as Nails with Nylon Pink Champagne. Another awesome bar glitter, Pink Champagne is made up of pink, orange and lavender bar glitters with a spattering of microglitters in the same colors. It's so cool that over all these years, these bar glitters have not curled, bled or had their integrity compromised in any way. They are as good as the day they were made. I love that about these bar glitters. Anyways, I did this one over Black Expressionism as well and it was a dream to apply. Sally, bring back these awesome bar glitters! I have one other one, but there were quite a few HaN bar glitters that I hope to own one day. A girl can dream, right?

Here is 1 coat of Sally Hansen Hard as Nails with Nylon Pink Champagne over Finger Paints Black Expressionism. Enjoy!


Thanks for stopping by today and I will see you all tomorrow with more vintage Sally Hansen goodness!


  1. OMG, the first one is gorgeous. You knocked it outta the park!

  2. WOW! Who knew SH made awesome glitter polish?! Love these!

  3. I love the micro glitter - it really adds to the whole effect!

    1. I think so too!! There were a lot of bar glitter polishes from that time that had the little glitters in them too =)

  4. You're making everyone wish they were into nail polish back in the day! lol, these are so pretty, I love bar glitter, but colour shifting bar glitter? That's amazing!

    1. LOL! Believe it or not, all of my vintage polishes have been acquired in the past 2 years or so, I didn't keep any of my old ones. If you look hard enough and have patience, they're out there =)

  5. I'm not a fan of these glitters-but your nails are gorgeous! Am so jealous!

    1. Awww thank you so much <3 And don't be jealous, they really aren't that great, I just polish them in a way that makes them look like wonky then they really are lol

  6. These are amazing and look awesome over black! They're so gorgeous.

  7. I'm not really a glitter person, but i do have a weakness for bar glitters :) I think they both are beautiful!

    1. I didn't like bar glitters for the longest time, but once I got into vintage polish, it was inevitable that I would add them to my collection and now I love them!

  8. Twinkle is so cool! Thanks for the awesome swatches!:)

  9. These are so fun! I go back and forth on how I feel about bar glitter...back in the 90's all I wore was Revlon Cherries in the Snow pretty much so while I loved nail polish, and needed my nails painted constantly, I did not have a huge selection!

    1. Cherries in the Snow is such a classic!! I had a pretty awesome polish collection back in the day but it was all tossed out over the years =(

  10. So awesome!!! I love Sally Hansen, and these are gorgeous!! :D I remember in the 90's when bar glitter was really popular :D.

    1. Yes, me too!! I wish Sally would start doing awesome glitters like this again!

  11. I loooove Nylon Twinkle! Bar glitter in general just really intrigues me haha

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you like it!! I love bar glitter too, I can't get enough of it lately!

  12. I love how Twinkle looks paired over the black base! So fun and colorful! :D

    ~ Yun

  13. Replies
    1. I hope you can find them! I got Twinkle through a swap and Pink Champagne on eBay. Good luck =)

  14. Usually I hate bar glitters, but I actually really love both of these! They are so gorgeous and pop so well on top of black!!

    1. They really are fun!! Glad you can appreciate these bar glitters =)

  15. Replies
    1. Isn't it divine?! I was totally not expecting that based on what it looked like in the bottle.

  16. HOLY CRAPOLA! GIIIIIIRL! Twinkle?!? You freaking kidding me?! I'm speechless! Pink Champagne = <3. Great minds think a like!

    1. Isn't Twinkle one of the most awesome polishes ever?! I had no idea it was going to be this awesomesauce! And yay for Pink Champagne, we love us some vintage bar glitters for sure!

  17. Usually I REALLY dislike bar glitters but your swatch of Twinkle is just soooo pretty! I am drooling all over my desk...

    1. I'm so glad you like Twinkle, it's just one of the polishes you can't not fall in love with!!

  18. Omg Pink Champagne is gorgeous! I've never really tried bar glitter before, but these swatches make me want some soo bad!! Hahaha

    1. Pink Champagne is definitely amazing!! Orly has a bunch of bar glitters coming out this fall, and Fingerpaints had one in their fall collection as well. They're definitely making a comeback =)

  19. I always tend to lean towards pink but these are both really nice!

  20. These look amazing! I like both of them. I will try to find these or something similar.


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