
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Essie Haute as Hello and Just Shine Super Sparkle Purple - Last Hurrah of Summer Week

Happy weekend to you all! I have a super quick post for you all today, as I'm on my way out the door for class. This is the last day of my Last Hurrah of Summer Week, I hope you've all enjoyed it!


First up is Just Shine Super Sparkle Purple. This is the first polish my husband ever picked out for me all by himself so it is very special for me! He picked it up last weekend when he was at Justice (a tween clothing store) picking up a gift for our niece.

This polish is amazeballs!!! I have been wearing it for the past 4 days and I don't think I've ever gotten more compliments on a polish in my life. It is a bright neon purple with tons of iridescent glitter scattered throughout. I mean, let's be real, what is better than neon AND glitter?! Since it is a neon, I layered it over a coat of white. It has worn pretty well for a neon, no major chips and only some minor tipwear. Color me impressed!

Sadly, I could not capture the awesome of this polish in photos. I tried about 20 different lighting situations and camera settings and I even tried to color correct in Photoshop. Nothing worked. So you will have to trust me on this one. It is not nearly as pink or as light as the pictures show. It is a deep, vibrant neon purple, very similar to Color Club Mrs. Robinson but with GLITTA!!! Why must neons be so difficult to photograph?! Anyways, major thanks to the hubby for picking this out for me!! <3 <3

Here's 2 coats of Just Shine Super Sparkle Purple over white. Enjoy! (And imagine this much more vibrant and purple in real life!)


And finally we have Essie Haute as Hello. Haute as Hello is a neon pastel peach creme. I chose to do this one for the Last Hurrah of Summer week because it reminded me a lot of those neon pastel Lime Crime polishes that came out this summer! There is something so cool about a polish that can be pastel yet neon at the same time. LOVE THIS! I didn't have any problems with the formula, and pictured is a smooth 3 coats. I bet it would look amazing on tanned skin!

Here's 3 coats of Essie Haute as Hello.


What do you guys think of these polishes? What are your go-to summer colors?

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you've all enjoyed these bright and summery polishes! See you all tomorrow =)


  1. That first one is so pretty! I cherish the first polish my man got me too! Hahah

    1. Thanks!! It's definitely going to hold a special place in my stash =)

  2. Love the glitter in the purple, makes it unique. Also love peach cremes, may have to look for this one!

    1. The glitter really does make it unique!! Haute as Hello is amazing, it's so vibrant!

  3. That husband polish is so super special! I really enjoy when my husband picks out colors for me. He has never on his own purchased a polish as a gift for me as a surprise, maybe someday! If he did, I would be over the moon!

    You have an a+ nail polish blogger husband!


    1. I definitely have an A+ husband! Even better that he knew I didn't have anything like it in my stash =)

  4. Oh I loooove Haute as Hello! Creme's really make me swoon for some reason.
    I love when the significant others pick out polish for you. My fiance is really good about that, he's into picking my polish probably just as much as I am - so cute!

    1. That is adorable!! Hubby buys me polish all the time but it's always stuff I pick out. It was such a nice surprise that he picked one out all on his own =)

  5. These colors are both SO gorgeous, especially the first one! It's one of those that I immediately thought "I NEED IT!" lol!

  6. Super Sparkle Purple is amazing - love it...

  7. Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous! I absolutely love it!

  8. Wow, that Just Shine color is so pretty. Who would have thought Justice had such a great color!! Thx fke sharing!!

    1. LOL I knew what you meant =) I agree, who knew that Justice would have such cool polish! I was so surprised!

  9. I love the purple R got you...gorgeous! He has great taste!! :-)

  10. That glitter is awesome! It's really pretty in your pictures, so I can only imagine how much better it looks in person. The Essie is gorgeous too!

    1. I'm glad you like them both!! The Just Shine is truly amazing in person, I couldn't go anywhere without getting compliments on it!

  11. That Just Shine polish is gorgeous!

  12. Haute as Hello is such a cute summery peach color I love it <3

  13. Replies
    1. Yay, I'm glad everyone is loving the Just Shine polish, the husband will be happy to hear it =)

  14. I love both! Your husband picked a great polish! :D

  15. Wowza! Haute as hello is gorgeous, how do you get such a smooth application of a creme polish? My creams always come out weird:/

    Erika (A polished Life)

    1. Hmmm I'm not sure I did anything special, just applied as I normally do. I usually use pretty thin coats, maybe you're using too thick of a coat in your application?

  16. WOW, in love with the coral!

    xx, apolishedjezie

  17. OMG That sparkle polish is insane!! Super pretty!

    1. It really is insane, it is so much more vibrant in person! I'm glad you like it!

  18. I love both of these- fantastic polishes. Especially the Essie- you're right about the fine line between neon and pastel- very special.

    1. It's such a cool polish because most neons are super bright, while this one has the pastel aspect as well =) Glad you like them both!

  19. It's official. I need both of these.

  20. Glad the purple sparkle has been so well received! I think the pics turned out great!

    1. Thanks babe, you are too cute <3 <3 You picked out a winner!!

  21. Just Shine is super gorgeous and it looks so good on ya Jacqui :)

  22. Love that Just Shine Sparkle Purple! Pretty color and great pix!!!

    Gosh, I wish summer would just hang in there for a little longer.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like it!! It's been pretty chilly here this weekend so I got a taste of fall and I'm ready for it =)

  23. Neon AND glitter = <3!! I'm absolutely loving the first one!

  24. Both are beautiful but I am partial to purple!!

    1. Me too!! Purple is my favorite color (and my second favorite nail polish color =))

  25. Your husband has great taste, Just Shine Super Sparkle Purple is gorgeous!

    1. He really is a gem, that husband of mine!! Glad you like it!

  26. Oh my sweet lordy! Essie Haute as Hello is AMAZEBALLS! I love love love it!

    Great colours!

  27. That purple sparkle is so juicy - I'm in LOVE!

  28. I really like both of these a lot, but I can't decide which I love more, they are gorgeous! ^.^

  29. I like both of them :)
    They look great on you :)

  30. Im not into pinks Im a dark polish girl but is a very cute shade I wil dear to use them


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