
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

One Year Blogaversary with Pretty Serious Into Dreams and Nightmaren

Hi everyone!! I know I've been gone a few days, schoolwork has been a bit overwhelming lately. But an exciting thing happened in my absence, I realized that my ONE YEAR BLOGGING ANNIVERSARY was on Monday!! I just wanted to THANK YOU guys for reading my blog, I have really enjoyed "meeting" you all on this journey and sharing my love of nail polish with everyone <3 It's been a blast and here's to many more years of blogging!!! I have something special planned to thank you guys, so stay tuned!


A few weeks back I posted a picture of the newest collection from Pretty Serious and a lot of you were curious about the brand, so this week I will be reviewing the polishes that I bought from Pretty Serious! Pretty Serious is an Australian cosmetics brand that is the brainchild of the amazing Kaz over at Pretty Random. Her blog is pretty much like my nail polish bible. Pretty Serious also has eyeshadows and lipglosses to match her collections, which is so cool because I can't think of any other nail polish company that does that today!

At first I had called Pretty Serious an "indie" brand, but once I received my package in the mail, I could no longer use that term with this brand. I knew Pretty Serious stuff was going to be awesome, but I was literally blown away when I opened my package. Kaz's line is professionally manufactured, bottled, labeled and packaged in boxes with artwork done by Leigh Young. This is not your run-of-the mill etsy polish with handwritten labels and bleeding glitter. No friends, this is so much more than that. There is so much thought and care put into this line and it shows. I am beyond impressed with Pretty Serious Cosmetics!! So instead of calling it an indie brand, I think I will call it a boutique brand =)

Pretty Serious polishes retail for $9.95 AUD, and she ships internationally. Shipping from Australia to the US was very reasonable and took less than a week. I was shocked when my order arrived so quickly! For now, Pretty Serious has two complete collections with many more in the works. Kaz has an AMAZING Halloween collection in the works so stay tuned for that!

You can find Pretty Serious Cosmetics here:


First up is is Pretty Serious Into Dreams. Into Dreams is from the most recent collection called In the Night. It is an amazing, rich purple with pink shimmer scattered throughout. It is one of the most glowy purples that I own and I am absolutely smitten with it! The formula on this was on the thicker side but very smooth and an absolute dream to apply!  When I swatched it, I had just opened a new bottle of Seche Vite, and for some reason that sucker was full of bubbles. So any bubbles that you may see in these swatches is a result of the Seche Vite, not the polish!

Here's 2 easy coats of Pretty Serious Into Dreams. Enjoy!


Next up is Pretty Serious Nightmaren. Nightmaren is also from the In the Night collection. It is a warm red with golden shimmer. Red and gold is a combo of pure perfection, there are no two colors that go together quite like those two. The golden shimmer in this polish makes it a perfect red for fall. It has that same glowy effect like Into Dreams, and I just can't get enough! Nightmaren is amazing, no doubt! Formula was similar to Into Dreams, on the thicker side but smooth with super easy application. Another thing I love is that all of the Pretty Serious polishes I tried were 2 easy coats to full opacity. How awesome is that?!

So here's 2 coats of Pretty Serious Nightmaren. Enjoy!!


What do you guys think of these Pretty Serious polishes?

Thanks for stopping by today and THANK YOU for helping me make it to a year of blogging!! See you all tomorrow for some more Pretty Serious goodies =)


  1. Yay Happy belated One Year Blogaversary!

    Into Dreams is so up my alley, such a gorgeous purple!

    1. Thank so much Julie <3 It really is a gorgeous purple, glad you like it!

  2. Happy Blogaversary! *drool @ Into Dreams*

  3. The purple is gorgeous. Happy blogaversary :)

  4. Happy blogging aniversary! I keep seeing Pretty Serious around...great swatches!

  5. Congratulations! I am so proud of your hard work and creativity! <3

  6. Congrats on one year!! Here's to the next. :)
    These colors are gorgeous. Red and purple are my favorites, and I agree, red and gold together are pure tastie.

    1. Thanks Liesl!! Glad you like these polishes, they are both so glowy and fantastic!

  7. Your blog is only one day younger than mine! I made mine on the 9th. Congrats! May there be many happy and successful years for your blog!

  8. Happy blogaversary!! Love Into Dreams!! Great swatches :)

  9. happy blogaversary dear :-D
    Into Dreams looks just like my cup of tea, love it :-D

    1. Thank you <3 Into Dreams is a stunner, definitely one of my favorite purples in my collection!!

  10. I really like both of these! But Nightmaren, especially! It is gorgeous! ^.^

  11. Into Dreams - is fantastic, I just put it on my wish list, thanks for sharing!

  12. Congrats!!! The polishes look great!

  13. Happy blogaversary! These look great on you! I have a growing wishlist for Pretty Serious polishes! I really like the new collection!

    1. Thanks Jennifer <3 Glad you like the polishes, Pretty Serious is a fantastic brand!

  14. Happy blogaversary! Both nail polishes looks amazing :)

  15. Congrats on your Blogiversary!! Gorgeous swatches, as usual!

  16. Happy Blogaversary! These are both amazing colours!

  17. Happy belated Blogaversary Jacqui!! And what great colours to commemorate it with, these are both gorgeous!

  18. Happy Blogaversary! Love how these polishes glow!

  19. Yay! Happy 1 year!

    I must have some of these polishes. I am in serious lust. Payday needs to hurry up!

    1. Thanks Kimber <3 You definitely need some Pretty Serious polishes, they are amazeballs!

  20. Congrats on your 1 year, sweetie! That's amazing! :)
    Gosh, both of those polishes are just gorgeous! So vibrant and rich!

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks Yun <3 Glad you like the polishes, they really are vibrant!!

  21. Congrats on the blogaversary <3 And Nightmaren is gorgeous! Love these types of colors <3

    1. Thank you <3 <3 Nightmaren is definitely a stunner, I'm glad you like it!

  22. Happy blog anniversary, and both those polishes look lovely on you!

  23. I have been wanting to try this brand - looks great on you! Happy blogaversary!!! <3

    1. Thank you Tara!! You should definitely try some Pretty Serious stuff, you will love it!!

  24. Happy Blogaversary!!
    That purple is so amazing!

    1. Thank you <3 Into Dreams is definitely amazing, glad you like it!

  25. Congratulations! Happy blogiversary and I wish you all the blogging successes in the future!

    Love the green polish in your profile pic btw! xx

    1. Thank you so much Julz! <3 That green is China Glaze Limonyte, it's one of my favorite polishes ever!

  26. HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY MY LOVE! OMG I can't wait to swatches Nightmaren tomorrow

    1. Thank you love <3 You are going to flip when you swatch it, it is positively amazeballs! Definitely a Dana color!!

  27. Happy one year old blog!!! Both polishes are gorgeous, I especially love the red one!

  28. Damn. I saw these on Kristy's blog and these look GORGEOUS on you, too! Crap crap crap do I need this purple crap.

    Happy blogaversary, friend! <3

  29. Aw Happy Blogaversary!!!! <3 Woohoo!!

  30. Happy blogaversary! Clearly I'm catching up on blogs today... lol! Love your blog-- you've become one of my all-time fave nail bloggers verrrry quickly!


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