
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Vintage Hard Candy Week - GLITTERS!

Hey everyone! Moving right along with vintage Hard Candy week, today I have some awesome glitters to show you!! For those of you just joining in, Hard Candy was originally a niche brand back in the late 90's and early 00's that was sold exclusively in high-end retailers such as Neiman's and Nordstrom. Hard Candy, along with Urban Decay, were at the forefront of nail polish innovation and did tons of edgy colors and finishes that no other polish brands were doing at the time. I firmly believe that the nail polish world is where it's at today largely because of brands like Hard Candy that helped break the mold.

Hard Candy did some fantastic glitters back in the day, probably the best of which were the Christmas collection from 1996, which included colors such as XXXMas, Jingle Balls, Icky Eggnog and Seasonal Psychosis. Sadly, I don't have any from that collection (save a decant of XXXMas) and they will forever be at the very top of my lemming list. However, I have managed to snag a few other awesome glitters and I'm so excited to show them to you today!!


First up is Hard Candy Space Boy. It was part of Hard Candy's original release back in 1996 and it is still one of the best glitters I own today! Space Boy is a super chunky silver holo glitter that was opaque in 2 coats. It was a very hungry glitter and I probably should have used a coat of Gelous to smooth it out but I didn't so it ate straight through the coat of Seche Vite I used. But I didn't mind the grittiness because it was still as blingy as ever!

I have lots of silver holo glitters in my stash but there is just something special about this one. Perhaps it has something to do with the matching glitter holo ring that came with it, but I always find myself pulling this bad boy out and admiring it! It's just that awesome. I am probably going to end up wearing this again for New Year's Eve or some other big party because this polish deserves to be seen!

Here's 2 coats of Hard Candy Space Boy! Enjoy =)


Next up is Hard Candy Galaxy. It came out somewhere around 1999, and it as awesome today as it was back then. Galaxy has a black jelly base packed with micro and small hex gunmetal glitter. LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!! Although it looks sort of similar to a few polishes that are out today (OPI Metallic 4 Life comes to mind), Galaxy was in its own class back in the 90's. This is another one that is worthy of a special occasion, it's so awesome!

I'm kind of disappointed in my pictures of this one, I've been so busy lately that I haven't had much time for swatching and everything has to be done super quickly. I apologize for the bluriness!

Here's 3 coats of Hard Candy Galaxy. Enjoy!


And for fun, here is a postcard that showed all of Hard Candy's original 1996 release polishes, including those awesome Christmas glitters I told you all about earlier. One day I hope to own them all mwahhahahahhhhhhh! I'm getting there, considering I already own 26 of the ones on there =)

What do you guys think of these vintage Hard Candy glitters?

Thanks for stopping by and I will see all of y'all tomorrow with even more vintage Hard Candy!


  1. Holy crap those are glittery goodness! Wow I didn't know the higher end retailers carried these first...interesting!

    1. They really are blingtastic! Yup, before it was sold at Wal-Mart, Hard Candy was a small niche brand that sold polish for $12 a bottle!

  2. Galaxy is fantastic! And I'm so intrigued by HC's history! Oh how the mighty have fallen, going from Nordstrom to Walmart :/

    1. It really has! It has been sold a few times over the course of its life but unfortunately has not maintained the same integrity that Urban Decay has.

  3. Holy crapola. You & your Space Boy. Damn that matching ring makes that fantastic glitter worth every penny! I'm seriously in love. Galaxy seems like a great Halloween glitter.

    1. I know, I'm obsessed with Space Boy!! Galaxy definitely looks like a Halloween glitter, it kind of reminds me of China Glaze It's Alive.

  4. These are crazy fabulous! Love 'em both, but I especially can't take my eyes off of Space Boy--it's like crushed up crystals for your nails!

    1. They really are! I like that, crushed up crystals! It feels like it too lol

  5. Those are two beautiful glitters, look at that sparkle. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Your killin' me smalls, ya really killin' me. Ohhhh I neeeeeed space boy!

    1. LOL! It's definitely wishlist worthy, I hope you find it one day =)

  7. I didn't know all of this about Hard Candy - I can't believe they used to be carried at Nordstrom, wow! Space Boy is glorious, it's seriously like a party on your nails! Love them both!

    1. See, ya learn something new every day!! Space Boy really is a party on the nails, glad you like them!

  8. This is my
    Love glitters! Galaxyis my favorite :)

  9. love these two glitters. I never knew that about HC.

    1. Hard Candy has a very rich and interesting history. Well at least, I think so lol!

  10. Oh wow, Space Boy looks amazing! Kind of reminds me of MAC Silver 3D glitter, but more... awesome!

  11. Hard Candy Space Boy is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!! I love it!! <3

  12. Space Boy definitely is something special! It is rather stunning!!

    1. It really is special! I have tons of silver holo glitters but none are this fantastic!

  13. Replies
    1. I agree 100% The Wal-Mart Hard Candy line is a complete fail, at least nail polish-wise.

  14. I love them both! Such beautiful glitters! Keep up the great work, the history is awesome to read!

    1. Yay, I'm so glad you're enjoying the history! Glad I'm not boring everyone to death lol.

  15. What do I think? These are amazing!!!! That is so cool you have the postcard too. I wonder how were these recieved back 10-15 years ago. I was not paying attention to nail polish back then. I was only 20-21 years old, a mere child.... and a non-makeup wearing, nail biter, with bad clothes!

    Your making me want to collect these too!

    1. I'm glad you like them!! They were pretty well received back in the day, they had a HUGE celebrity cult following and I don't know about other teenagers, but my friends and I were crazy for them!! The post card isn't mine, but there is a flickr site with tons of old Hard Candy stuff, you should check it out! The link is under the picture of the postcard =)

  16. Oh, I forgot to add, I don't want to get into a bidding war with you though! LOL!

    1. LOL no you definitely don't want to get into a bidding war with me, I'm ruthless!

  17. Amazing glitters! <3

  18. Seriously I can not get enough of your old Hard Candy posts and GLITTER! OMG even better. I own these two (and a couple of the Holiday glitters as well!) and they are simply amazing.


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