
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dollish Polish - What's This? What's This?

Good morning everyone!! Today I have for you another polish from this year's Dollish Polish Halloween collection, What's This? What's This? This Nightmare Before Christmas inspired collection is definitely my favorite Halloween collection that came out this year from any brand, big or indie brand. The colors in this collection are so varied and cover every possible facet of the season, from glow-in-the-dark glitter, to a slimy looking green color, to vampy and deep colors to your traditional Halloween colored glitter bombs.

What's This, What's This is a veritable glitter extravaganza with all the colors of Halloween. There's 2 different shades of green glitter, 2 different shades of purple glitter, orange glitter, black glitter and white glitter in all different shapes and sizes. There's small squares, there's big squares, there's big hexes, there's small hexes, there's micro glitter, and there's bar glitter.  WHAT IS THIS? It is the ultimate Halloween polish, that's what it is.

Application was average for a glitterbomb, it took a bit of dabbing and it was kind of gloopy. The brush that I got in my bottle was pretty deformed, so that probably contributed to the bit of difficulty I had with application. But overall, I was extremely pleased with this polish and I honestly could not imagine a more perfect Halloween glitter.

Here's 2 coats of Dollish Polish What's This? What's This? over Finger Paints Black Expressionism. Enjoy!

What do you guys think? What would your ultimate Halloween glitter look like?

Thanks for stopping by today! See you all soon for more Halloween goodness! Can you all believe that Halloween is just around the corner?! I can't wait!!!


  1. *Singing the song* I LOVE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS! now I need to get this collection! Great mani!

  2. Hi deaar! I love this kind of polish but unfortunately I can't buy them here u.u what a shame! It has a lot of beautiful colors! Love it!

    Halloween *-*

  3. love the polish! it's also good for party goers out there! :) party! party! :)

  4. Thats one of the best glitter polishes I've seen yet!

  5. It's a great glitter!!!! Love the colors!!!!

  6. this polish is stunning, so much pretty glitter!

  7. The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the best movies ever!! My ultimate Halloween glitter would seriously look pretty much like this. I love the combo of black, purple, orange, and green. Awesome polish.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Jacqui, this polish is amazing! I need to get on watching The Nightmare Before Christmas ASAP...

  10. Why do your swatches look so much better than mine?! I love it :)

  11. This is so awesome! I love all of those colors together

  12. oh my goodness i love this polish!

  13. LOL, what a funny name - and the polish is gorgeous!

  14. Your swatches definitely do justice to the polish!

  15. I have been enjoying your manis...just way behind on commenting. You are definitely making me want to try this brand - it looks great!

  16. I love it! And I love the title, now I'm singing that song at reception! :p

  17. I love this. Every single swatch is perfection but of course this one is especially special because it's you AND YOU WEREN'T SMOKIN REEFAH WITH KEEFAH WHEN YOU DID THIS MANI, DID YAH? YAH GOTTA TAKE CARE OF YAH BABIES, YAH KNOW, THE WEENIES, JENELLE...erm. Jacqui... uhhh... gotta go bye.

  18. I absolutely love this Jacqui! I wish i had gotten this now. So bummed. Its totally amazing and gorgeous!

  19. Ooh I love the name and the look of this!! It's so awesome! Now the song is stuck in my head haha :D

  20. wow they are PERFECT swatches xx

  21. Holy FFFFFFFF this polish is UH MAZING. :)

  22. This is a really gorgeous glitter! It is perfect for Halloween!

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