
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Piggy Polish Lightmare

Good morning my lovelies!! Happy Halloween Eve! I hope everyone in the path of Hurricane Sandy is staying safe! I live in Cleveland and although not technically in the direct path of Sandy, it collided with a major cold front and we've been experiencing some crazy winds and rain here. We've had lots of flooding, power outages and major storm damages in the area. Over 500 schools and school districts in the area were closed today (my school not being one of them, of course) so things are definitely crazy around the CLE today. Frankenstorm indeed!

Anyways, back to the polish! Today I have for you another great Halloween polish, Piggy Polish Lightmare. Piggy Polish is a brand that is exclusively available at Ulta and I have never picked up one of their polishes until now. Lightmare is an LE Halloween polish that Piggy Polish released this year, and it proved pretty difficult to me to find. I went to 4 Ultas before I finally was able to snag the very last bottle in the display! This polish is popular for good reason - it is fantastic!!

Lightmare has a base of small gunmetal glitters with coppery-orange medium sized round glitters thrown in! I can definitely say I don't have anything like this in my stash, which is great because a lot of the big brands' Halloween polishes tend to look the same after awhile. The formula on this was a bit tricky, it was pretty gloopy and hard to work with. Pictured is two coats of Lightmare, and these two coats were kind of difficult to smooth out but the end result was well worth it. I did do a coat of Seche Vite over it and it was still a bit gritty but not too bad. My bottle of SV is getting kind of thick anyways so it's been smoothing out glitters quite nicely. Lightmare has a Halloween feel to it without being too run-of-the-mill orange and black. I would say it is a solid 9 out of 10 in my book!

Here's 2 coats of Piggy Polish Lightmare. Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by today! Hope everyone has a splendid day =)


  1. i own no piggy polishes but this one might change that. suuupah prettay!

  2. So gorgeous! and Halloweenie!

    Jazz x

  3. Very cool. Perfect for halloween!

  4. This is perfect! I've never seen this brand before (since we don't have Ulta here in Canada that makes sense), and this one is fantastic! I'm glad to hear you're doing ok after Sandy - it's the same wind/rain situation here too.

  5. Lightmare is the first and only Piggy Polish I have ever owned! Unfortunately I ran out of tim this October to wear it in time before Halloween :( I will have to pull it out for next year, it looks great on you!

  6. It's a very interesting polish, unique!

  7. Gorgeous! I wore this just the other day over black. It's like a grown up halloween polish :)

  8. This is awesome! This is one of the best Halloween glitters I've seen!

  9. This is soo pretty! We had Sandy blow through here Saturday, nothing but rain and a little wind - but now it's freaking cold and freaking windy! It's terrible!

  10. This is really pretty!!! Stay safe in the aftermath of the storm!

  11. Interesting polish! Very fun and appropriate for Halloween! :-)

    ~ Yun

  12. oh wow! really nice indeed! i only have 1 ulta where i live must look!

  13. Beautiful polish, and I'm glad you're not one of the idiots down at the shore gawking at the waves! :)

  14. wow this is adorable! def picking that up next ulta visit!

  15. This is so pretty! I'm going to have to try Piggy Polish! I'm in Ohio too and we got a couple inches of heavy wet snow, high winds and of course very cold temps. I'm in Northwest Ohio. Smack dab in-between Dayton and Toledo. :)

  16. I saw this and passed on it, now I wish I hadn't!

  17. Oh this is awesome! How festive. Never seen this one before

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