
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Retro Sunday Squared - Vintage Sally Hansen HALLOWEENIES!

Good afternoon my lovely readers! So sorry it took awhile to get this post up, my computer keeps crashing =( Not good, not good at all! Anyways, Dana and I are back with yet another Halloween edition of Retro Sunday Squared! We are so excited about this one because we are both obsessed with vintage Sally Hansens and were both lucky enough to get our hands on tons of the vintage Halloween Sally Hansens recently! These vintage Halloween Sally Hansens have been at the top of my wishlist FOR EVER and I never thought I would see most of them in my lifetime. They came out between 1997-1999 for Halloween and after that, the Hard as Nails line stopped doing Halloween collections. So, we are VERY lucky to have found an eBay store who recently got a few of them in from old, closeout and liquidated stock.

These vintage Sally Hansen Halloween polishes may be some of my favorite polishes in my entire 1200+ polish collection. Of course, I love Halloween so that's a given but the colors they did were absolutely stunning and I love the matching caps as well. I wish I could convey to you how truly excited I am to have finally added these polishes to my collection, but you would have had to see me jumping up and down like a crazy person when they popped up on eBay to truly understand =)

Don't forget to check out Dana's vintage Sally Hansen post over at Polished Claws Up!


First up is Sally Hansen Jack-o-Lantern. Jack-o-Lantern is from their 1999 Halloween collection and is an orange jelly packed with copper glitter. O M G you guys this is SUCH an awesome polish. It took 3 coats for opacity and applied like a gem. It is a very bright orange for sure. If I could buy an entire gallon of Jack-o-Lantern, I would. In fact, I would like an entire bathtub full of this polish. Backup worthy? Pshhh try bathtub worthy! There's not really much else to say here, I will let the pictures do the talking.

Here's 3 coats of Sally Hansen Jack-o-Lantern. Enjoy!


Next up is Sally Hansen Trick or Treat. I am so thrilled to finally have this polish in my stash because I almost had it once before but it was ripped out from under me! I set up a swap with a very nice girl from MUA who lived in Latvia who was sending me Trick or Treat. Sadly, the package got lost in the mail and I was absolutely devastated. We filed multiple investigations and claims with both the Latvian and US Post and it was never found =( So imagine my excitement when this bad boy popped up on eBay last month!

Anyways, Trick or Treat is a black jelly polish with lots of multi-colored iridescent glitter. When I first saw pics of this polish, I thought it was going to be holo glitter but it is definitely NOT holo glitter. The effect that these iridescent glitters have up against the black base is absolutely stunning. I was thinking about layering a coat of this over black to conserve the polish, but I just love the depth of the glitters when layering a few coats of this. Another bathtub worthy polish for sure!

Here's 3 coats of Sally Hansen Trick or Treat. Enjoy!


What do you guys think? Are these polishes bathtub worthy?

If you want a chance to win them, I am giving away both of these polishes in a prize in my giveaway!! Don't forget to check out my Halloween Giveaway Spooktacular! There's only 2 days left to enter!!

Thanks for stopping by today and I will see you all with more awesome Halloween polishes all week long =)


  1. I love both of these, especially that orange one! I have Witches Brew and I'm saving it for closer to Halloween!

  2. I gasped when I saw the first one. I would really be happy to try these babies. Rare treasures indeed. If I did win this, I would jump up and down like a crazy person ; )

  3. The orange looks a lot like China Glaze Riveting, right?

  4. Both are amazing! I wish they were easy to get over here :(

  5. trick or treat is definitely my favorite!! love these, you and your vintage polishes<3

  6. Jack-o-latern is so pretty!!! I need to start stalking eBay more often ;]

  7. Damn, Trick or Treat is gorgeous! Figures that was the package to get lost! Glad you finally found a bottle, though!

  8. holy smokes, jack o lantern is stunning!!

  9. Oh my goodness! These are both gorgeous! Jack-o-Lantern is droolworthy!

  10. Wow, now I'm really hoping I win that giveaway! These are stunning!

  11. Omg I love Jack O Lantern! Treat Or Treat still eludes me, one day it WILL be mine! Great swatches!xo

  12. wow Jack is amaaaaaaaaaaazing xx

  13. I like both polishes they look gorgeous

  14. I love both of these. Jack-o-Lantern is such a pretty orange <3

  15. I hope your computer is ok!
    I love the look of both of these! The glitter in them is awesome! So packed!

  16. Who knew Sally Hansen made awesome polish like this?! These are great!

  17. I love love LOVE Trick or Treat!

  18. I love both of them. Wonderful swatches!

  19. These are both so pretty, but I like Trick or Treat the best!

  20. Definitely bathtub worthy! Thanks for sharing them!

  21. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE both colors SO much!!! The Orange in Jack-O-Lantern is amazing, what a perfect color for Halloween!! It's perfect! Trick or Treat is AMAZING!!!! I love how the glitter is different colors and not really holographic, I think that sets it apart!! What a fabulous post and I am sure I will read this over and over again!!!! Thanks!!!
    P.S. Did I say how much I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE these??!!!! LOL!!!!!!

  22. OMG these are both SO PRETTY. I have to stop looking at your vintage polish swatches, you make me want them all!

  23. I'm so jealous of all your vintage Sallys. They're soooo awesome!

  24. these both are so beautiful!!! can't believe I haven't entered the giveaway yet!!! thanks so much for doing it!!!

  25. Trick or Treat *drooooooooooooooools*

  26. Yes, bathtub worthy for sure! I can't believe they stopped making these. The first on looks like ruby pumps, but it's previous generation cousin in orange of course, and the second one looks like pre Orly's Androgynie. .. The color scheme is very similar anyways. Amazing! (Your probably sick of me saying that... AMAZING!)

  27. love your vintage Sally's. They are definitely bathtub worthy!!

  28. Jack-o-Lantern is AMAZING! I love it! Fortunately I have something really similar to it. And I love it!

  29. Both looks gorgeous! Would love to own both! Keeping my eyes out for these

  30. They're both really cool! I must admit I wasn't sold on the black one until I took a few closer looks... I'm glad you decided to go for depth and not conserve it. It's definitely worth it, I think, to view some of these gorgeous rarities in their full glory, as they were meant to be.

  31. For an orange polish, this is really gorgeous! I love it! ^.^


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