
Friday, October 12, 2012

Fug Friday - China Glaze Zombie Zest

Happy Friday to all you lovely people out there! I am so excited about today's post! My friend Rachel over at stuff i (s)watched and I have decided to team up and do a series on some of our fantastically fugly polishes! We both have great affinity for those kinds of polishes where you just can't decide whether it's ugly, awesome or awesomely ugly. Upon deep and thoughtful consideration (i.e. a twitter conversation), Rach and I have come to the conclusion that the best fugly polishes are those that closely resemble bodily secretions. Yes, I'm talking about baby poop yellows and puke greens here people. I don't know why but sometimes the more hideous a color is, the more I love it!

The first polish I've chosen for Fug Friday is one of my favorite Halloween polishes of all time, China Glaze Zombie Zest. It is from the 2010 Awakening collection which, as you may know, is probably one of the best Halloween collections that China Glaze has ever done. Zombie Zest has a murky greenish-brown jelly base packed with yellowish-green glass flecks. I feel like the overall effect is a cross between baby poop and zombie flesh. So fugly, yet so awesome at the same time. Whoever thought to cross this dingy, swampy base color with the bright glass flecks is pure genius. Zombie Zest is the perfect color for Halloween and a perfect example of what fug polishes all around the world should aspire to be.

Zombie Zest is a bit on the sheer side, so it took three coats to cover my visible nail line. The overall fugliness of it probably stands out better at two coats so maybe one day when I have nubs, I will wear the polish again and let the base show through a bit more. Overall, the formula on this polish was fantastic. Application was easy, the consistency was great so there was no worry of cuticle flooding or anything like that. Even though this polish came out in 2010, it's still relatively easy to find from online retailers. In fact, there are several places that still have it for around $3 a bottle.

Here's 3 coats of China Glaze Zombie Zest. Enjoy! And don't forget to check out Rach's Fug Friday post over at stuff i (s)watched!

What do you guys think? Would you qualify Zombie Zest as a fug polish? What are some of your favorite fugly polishes?

Thanks for stopping by today! As always, don't forget to enter my Halloween Giveaway Spooktacular!


  1. this one's not ugly at all, one of my fav quirky polish, along with Trendsetter. Looks great on you!

  2. I think it's really pretty - I love green, and I especially love shiny and glittery green!

  3. i love this color, its so murky and 'zombie'ish haha:)

  4. I don't really think it's ugly, and I love it!! It's SOOOO pretty!!

  5. Do you know I have never caved for ChG Halloween until I saw Cast a Spell? ;)

    I think this looks great on you! Fugly pretty for sure. And thanks for the shopping tip. I may have to cave at the end of the month!

  6. Love it. Fugly in a awesome way :)

  7. I don't think it's fugly at all!

  8. I loves it!! ..but then I've always had an affinity for fugly colors. It looks like Rumplestiltskin's skin color. <3

  9. This looks like the color of our kitchen appliances way back in the 60's and 70's! I think it looks lovely on you, really. What body secretion would this be? ;-)

  10. Buahaha, I love this idea!!! So sorry to say, but I don't care for this polish, especially in the context of fugly Friday... Looks like radioactive spinach vomit :)))). Hehehehe I can't wait to see your next 'fugly' post!!!

  11. Oh man this is a good one. Yes, fugly, but in an AWESOME way. I love colors like this! It might be because I'm just a green lover in general, but definitely awesome for halloween and fall!

  12. Not fugly at all!! I love this shade!!

  13. LOL, fugly in the best possible way! I have "It's Alive" and I feel like I'm applying glittery boogers to my nails every Halloween!

  14. I have a week spot for fugly colors, lol. Zombie Zest is my all time favorite Halloween nail polish! Can't wait to see what other fugly colors you will show us ;)

  15. Lol @ your description of fugly colors! I actually think this one is just awesome, without any ugly in it! :P

    ~ Yun

  16. Hahahah Fug Friday..I love it! I can't wait to see more fugliness!

  17. LOL- love this post. :D And this is a great fug polish! I think my favourite fugly polish might be MAC Dirty Martini... it definitely fits into this category.

  18. This is one of those polishes I'm so on the fence about. I like it, but I don't. But I guess that's the whole point of fugly, right?

  19. Hmm this polish is in between hehe. I really like it though!

  20. Pffft. It's AMAZING.

    Perhaps even so fugly it's beautiful. Mmmm..I rescind that. Just gorgeous green-ness!

  21. amazingly gorgeous polish! NEW DEGRASSI TONIGHT!

  22. Oh, man! I love it! I am wearing Dollish Polish Zombie Flesh right now and Zombie Zest reminds me of it since they are both in that nasty green, fugly category!

  23. Now see, I think this is gorgeous! But what can I say, my living room walls are baby poop brown and chartreuse is my favorite green:-)

  24. I almost wore this today. lol I have on Its Alive. ;)Zombie Zest is one is one of my faaaaaaaaave halloween polishes. so far. ;) I love it on you doll!

  25. FUG AWESOME! I'm tied between Trendsetter and Zoya's Edyta.

  26. I don't have this one but I love it on you! I have It's Alive though which I love wearing :D

  27. It's not ugly! I like it :)

  28. Love your nails honey :) I'm following!

  29. Brilliant!!!! Love this fugly polish, something fierce.


  30. I looooooooove Zombie Zest! It's sooo cool. :)

  31. soooooooo pretty *_______*

    • ♥♥♥ •

  32. This sure is a FUGLY polish - but to me it's fugly awesome :)

  33. lmaooooooooo. love the name 'Fug Friday'. hilarious. I love this polish! But only for Halloween, not sure I would wear it otherwise! haha

  34. Seeing this entry reminded me to go put it on. Zombie Zest is fabulous, and its fabulosity shines in all lights. It explodes in awesome swampy glitter.

  35. I think it's a neat color, but I am glad I didn't buy it!


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