
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Vintage Streetwear - Monster Mash

Happy Hump Day my lovely readers! I have another quick post for you all today, this week is crazy busy for me. I hope to catch up on my blog reading and commenting tomorrow and I can't wait to see what you all have blogged about this week!

Today I have another vintage Halloween Streetwear for you all called Monster Mash. Monster Mash is from the same collection as Oct 31st and is as rare, if not even more rare than Oct 31st is. The fact that Oct 31st popped up on eBay was a miracle but then Monster Mash popped up a few weeks later and I was absolutely awestruck! After another pretty hefty bidding war, Monster Mash became mine and joined Oct 31st in my Streetwear helmer drawer. Oct 31st and Monster Mash are probably two polishes that I never thought I would see in my lifetime so the fact that they showed up on eBay around the same time was pretty fantastic. The moral of the story is never give up on those lemmings folks! You never know when they might show up.

Anyways, Monster Mash is a fantastic green glitter polish with different shades and shapes of green glitter including bar glitter and little hex glitter as well as microglitter. There's even a touch of black microglitter in there, which seems to be on par with a lot of other special Streetwear glitters (namely Oct 31st, Black Widow and FX Flash green). I chose to wear Monster Mash on its own but I'm sure it would have looked awesome layered as well. I estimate that this polish came out sometime during the late 90's and it was still good as new. 2 coats would have been sufficient enough to cover the nail in real life but I did 3 just in case.

Here's 3 coats of Streetwear Monster Mash. Enjoy!

What do you guys think? Do you have any vintage Streetwears? Any other vintage Halloween polishes you've held onto over the years?

Don't forget to check out my Halloween Giveaway Spooktacular! Only 6 days left! Remember, you can earn entries daily by tweeting or Facebooking about the giveaway!

Thanks for stopping by today everyone! Hope everyone is having a great week and I will talk to you all soon!!


  1. Love this one! Can I ask if you have posted about how you file and shape your nails? I love the shape of your nails!

    1. Haha thank you!! I just file them with a regular 240 grit file. I used to use a glass file but I don't like them as much.

  2. Holy Moly! That is GREEN! This is a cool looking polish! Thank gawd for Ebay! LOL

    1. It really is fantastic!! I thank goodness for ebay every day lol!

  3. I just ordered China Glaze Goulish Glow, glows in the dark, and It's Alive, also ChG and a green glitter... can't wait.... LOVE Halloween. Love how your doing a bunch of halloween stuff too!

  4. I love love this color! Thank you for showing us this treasure! I really enjoy these vintage polish posts.

    I currently do not own any streetwear polish, sadly. I am enjoying getting to see them here though.

  5. Love that shade of green and how excited you get about scoring a vintage polish! I've bid a few times on ebay for a polish but never won out.

    1. Lol I really do get excited over vintage polishes =) Hopefully one day you will win an ebay auction, it's such a great feeling!

  6. ooooh perfect colour for halloween! I love it!

    Jazz x

  7. That is gorgeous! I imagine you're quite intense and ruthless in your ebay bidding to score all those beauties! Love these posts!:)

    1. Oh yes, I am quite ruthless. If there's something I really want, I don't lose =)

  8. omg! that's a nice polish!!! I love this green!!! Very nice dear!!!

  9. Now that's an amazing glitter bomb! Great for Halloween!

  10. Beautiful!!! I LOVE this polish!!

  11. Oh my gosh..I don't think I've seen a Street Wear polish is forever! This color is gorgeous!

    1. I love Streetwears! I posted another one on Sunday actually =) Glad you like!!

  12. Giltter bomb for sure!!! Such a pretty green and I love it !!

  13. You always find the best little gems! Absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Haha well I definitely have to hunt for them! Glad you like!

  14. Adore this polish. You have great swatches, you could probably make mud look cute, lol.

  15. I love this! I always get rid of seasonal polishes, but now I think I'm going to start holding onto them!

    1. Yeah, you definitely need to start hanging onto them girl!!

  16. Another gorgeous vintage Street Wear polish that I wish I bought back in the day ;) This looks great on you!

    1. Haha I wish I would have bought it back in the day, then I wouldn't have had to spend so much on it lol.

  17. oh my god this is GORGEOUS! I wish you would stop creating all of these awesome vintage lemmings for me!

  18. what a beauty, i want, i need, i love *.*

  19. Congrats on both stunning ebay wins, and on how beautiful that polish looks on you!

  20. This one looks awesome! That green is killer! :D

  21. It is really awesome! I love green glitter :) But now I wonder how pricey this was on ebay! :P

    1. Haha well lets just say it was less than $70 but more than $60. EEP! Definitely one of the most expensive polishes I have in my stash lol

  22. Waaaah, this is AMAZING! I love this! I wish I had vintage Street Wears, but alas, I do not. Although I remember having a couple back in the day (no clue what became of them!).


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