
Thursday, October 11, 2012

OPI Unripened

Good morning everyone and happy Thursday!! One step closer to the weekend! Continuing right along with my Halloween polish collection, today I have OPI Unripened for you all!

OPI Unripened is a color from OPI's 2010 Halloween Collection that was called Go Goth. All the other colors in the color were dupes for current colors in OPI's line but Unripened was not. I kind of have a bone to pick with OPI about their Halloween collections. First of all, they are usually most accessible in a box set with only minis, with the full sizes being even harder to find. Second of all, usually the colors aren't even all that great. This year's collection was a huge disappointment, and I actually didn't even buy them. OPI needs to take a cue from China Glaze in regards to their Halloween collections and step it up! Regardless, Unripened was the best OPI Halloween color we have seen in a few years so I guess I can't complain too much.

Unripened is a black polish packed with multichrome shimmer that shifts from teal to purple to pink. Sadly, the multichrome aspect of the shimmer is nearly impossible to pick up on the nail, though it does look pretty amazing in the bottle. I only have a mini of this polish, as they were on sale at Target early this year for like 60 cents a bottle and I couldn't pass them up! The full size of this is much harder to find, although I do believe there a few full sized bottles on eBay right now. The good news is that OPI Unripened is pretty much a dupe for Sinful Colors What's Your Name and there are several others that are similar as well. So, although it's not all that unique it's definitely the best Halloween polish OPI has done recently so it firmly holds a place in my stash.

Here's 2 coats of OPI Unripened. I tried super hard to capture the color shifting nature of the shimmer in this and the best instances of this are the last two pictures. They're a bit blurry but you can make out hints of purple shimmer in them. Definitely click to enlarge these bad boys. Enjoy!

What do you guys think? Do you feel like OPI needs to step up their Halloween game or do you like how they've been doing it?

Thanks for stopping by today! A quick note about my blogroll - you may have noticed that my blogroll is down right now and that is because there has been more malware going around and I have removed it as a precaution. I hope to have it back up soon!

Don't forget to enter my Halloween Giveaway Spooktacular if you haven't already, as we are nearing the end! See you all tomorrow for more Halloween fun =)


  1. *grabby hands* Ack! This is on my lemming list! So pretty!

  2. I think I have one of the dupes for this, must check...

  3. This is stunning, I need to add this one to my wish list!

  4. It's so gorgeous! I love black polishes like these.

  5. So pretty! I love black glittery polishes

    Jazz x

  6. This is a gorgeous color jacqui, onto my wishlist it goes!

  7. I agree about their Halloween polishes. This is pretty but it reminds me of China Glaze Smoke and Ashes.

  8. I have this same mini, and I agree - OPI needs to step up their game!

  9. This does look smoke and ashes. I do like ChG's halloween collection this year better than OPI, but I ended buying ChG 2010 collection. What happened to 2011?

  10. Loving this colour too, wow your making my wish list grow :)Looks stunning on you!

  11. This is stunning!!! Love that gorgeous shimmer. I'm not really familiar with their halloween collections, so I don't know if they should be stepping up their game, lol.

  12. I was disappointed with OPI's Halloween collection too this year, it seems so uninspired. I do love this colour though! That shimmer is beautiful :)

  13. I picked up a mini of this one at a local beauty supply store for cheap and didn't even realize it was a Hallowe'en polish! It's a nice polish, but yeah... needs to have that stronger duochrome on the nail! OPI's newest Hallowe'en collection is so blah:( Maybe nail blogger folks are just more difficult to please since we see all these awesome indie and vintage polishes? Although it does look like OPI didn't even try this time around.

  14. Pretty and perfectly polished phlanges Jacqui!

    I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! Congratulations!
    Please see for yourself here!

  15. It's a very pretty colour and I need it!

  16. oooooh, I see some of it's blue shimmer in that last photo! Totally agree - with the exception of OPI's purple GITD polish one year, Halloween is always a bust for them. I don't need ANY MORE black, orange, or white minis thankyouverymuch.

  17. This is super pretty! It reminds me of China Glaze Smoke and Ashes. I've been disappointed with OPI's Halloween collections too - the one this year is a yawnfest!

  18. This is so pretty! I love this color!

  19. Ooooh! The shimmers are so pretty! :-)

    ~ Yun

  20. your KILLING ME!!!! I love this color!I have a navy colored polish and I have the same issue, it looks awesome in the bottle but not so great in like day light :(((

  21. Your swatches are beautiful as always, but the name on this makes me giggle, because almost every unripe thing on my property (grapes, tomatoes, berries) is green!

  22. So pretty!! You should tell OPI youde be willing to consult for them for next years Halloween collection!!!

  23. Even if it's not strong on the nail I still love it on you! Too pretty!

  24. I haven't worn mine yet because it's a mini and it is too pretty to use up :) Great color, really. Love your swatches and agree with your take on the OPI Halloween sets!

  25. OPI Halloween collections have really kinda sucked! I did love the Go Goth collection; but this year's collection was HORRIBLE!!! They looked nothing like Fall, Halloween or anything of that nature. They were all pretty bright and summery to me...Not what I want for Halloween. I also think that Unripened could be a similar color to Living Waters by Cult Nails, I haven't swatched them side by side but now I kinda want to. Thanks for the GREAT post, as always!!!!!

  26. I think OPI could do waaaay better on the Halloween collection front. This year's collection was a snooze. I did like some of the Go Goth colours (including Unripened, although it wish the shimmer had popped a little more), but overall I don't think they've been knocking it out of the park.

  27. this is so nice! I have the Sinful version but I think this is better.

  28. LOVE LOVE LOVE Unripened. I had a mini that broke, but luckily I have a full size bottle. Sadly, I had to wear it last week for a funeral. Nonetheless a PERFECT polish for Halloween!


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