Hello my dear readers! Today, being the last day of summer of 2011, I figured I would do something special for you guys. When it comes to summer and nail polish, of course the first thing I think of is holos! Holographic polishes are some of my favorite in the entire world, but they are becoming harder to come across these days. For those who are like "what in the hell are holos and why does this chick keep talking about them," allow me to explain.
Holographic nail polishes are those that have a certain type of pigment in them that create a rainbow effect on the nail. There are two different types of holographic finishes, a scattered holo and a linear holo. Linear holos are the ones that create a noticable rainbow on the nail, much like you would see in an oil slick. Scattered holos are are polishes that contain the holographic pigment, but the particles do not line up in a linear fashion. Both forms of holographic polish are absolutely gorgeous, but for me personally, I prefer the linear holos. Linears are also much, much harder to find. So technically, I guess you could say that calling these polishes "holographic" is a misnomer, and that they should be called "prismatic" or something along those lines. But somewhere along the way, the term holographic became standard for these types of polishes and I believe that it is going to stay that way.
The China Glaze OMG collection is long discontinued from 2009, and it consists solely of linear holos. This collection is very near and dear to my heart because it is the first collection I really fell in love with after joining the nail polish world. I searched high and low for these puppies, and ending up getting every single one of them through swapping. So basically, the reason I own this entire collection is because of the goodness and kindness of other people. So to everyone who swapped with me so that I could own these polishes, thank you so very much =)
This collection is some of my favorite holographic polishes out there. For the most part, the forumlas were amazing, and often times did not have the problems that holographic polishes tend to have. For one, holos tend to be extremely streaky and patchy. With certain holos, you can't even go over the same spot twice with your brush because it will create huge bald spots in the polish. I only had that problem with one of the OMGs. Out of twelve, I'd say that's pretty awesome. Most of the OMG's were strongly holographic, and there were only a few weak ones in the bunch. You will be able to tell those weak ones when you look at pictures. I think the weakness or strongness depends on the depth of the color pigment, or simply, how deep the base color is. All in all, it is one of my all-time favorite collections, and definitely one of the best China Glaze has ever come out with.
I wanted these swatches to be amazing. I wanted them to be MIND BLOWING! Unfortunately, they're not. My husband had to take our good camera to work today, so I was stuck with the crappy cell phone camera again. So, I apologize for that. Also, my intention was to take all of these pictures in direct sunlight. Unfortunately, the sun didn't want to cooperate and I was only able to take three out of the twelve pictures in sunlight. The rest were taken in our guest bathroom, which strangely has good light for photographing holographics. So, they are not what I had hoped they would be, but I wanted to show you them anyways because they still look pretty cool.
Without further ado, here is the China Glaze OMG collection!
QT - Dark pink holo. 2 coats. One of the weaker holo effects.
BFF - Lighter pink holo. 2 coats.
TMI - Coral-red holo. One of the weaker holo effects.
TTYL - Light peach holo. 2 coats.
GR8 - Yellow gold holo. 3 coats. Had a grittier texture than the rest in the collection. |
L8R G8R - Light green holo. 3 coats. Had problems with bald spots during application.
DV8 - Teal holo. 2 coats. One of the weaker holo effects.
2NITE - Medium periwinkle blue holo. 2 coats. My favorite of the entire collection.
IDK - Lavender holo. 3 coats.
LOL - Medium purple holo. 2 coats. One of the weaker holo effects.
FYI - Taupe holo. 3 coats. Another favorite from the collection. Very work friendly way to wear a holo!
OMG - Silver holo. 3 coats. The star of the collection!
And there you have it! I hope you all had a fantastic summer and enjoyed some holo polishes in the summer sun. I will see you all again tomorrow, where I will begin my official autumn manicures. Have a fabulous day =) |